
1822 Book of Strays - Adam Reaves

Wayne County Stray Book for 1821-1822 - Adam Reaves

Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book
Vol. 4
1816 - 1822
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates

Image 269

There was entered on the Stray Book on the 1st Day of October 1821 by Edward Sasser two stears valued to ten Dollars. Also there was entered on the Stray Book on the 20th day of November 1821 by Blake Langley on Hog Valued to on Dollar and fifth cents. Also there was entered on the Stray Book on the 7th of December 1821 by Adam Reaves one stear valued to Seven Dollars and fifth cents. Also there was entered on the Stray Book 11th of January 1822 by John Cox __ Sows and Seven pigs valued to Seven Dollars.

Certify the above to a true Return of the things entered on the Stray Book from February Term 1821 untill February Term 1822.

Feb. Co. 1822

Contributors to this page: Richard .
Page last modified on Friday 27 of January, 2012 10:53:28 CST by Richard.