Walton Co., GA 1823-25 Court - Mapp vs Frederick Reeves

1823-1825 Mapp vs Frederick Reeves

William F. Mapp vs. Frederick Reeves

Walton Co., Georgia

Summary Note: Frederick Reeves apparently acquired Lot 18 in Section 3 of Walton County from Peter L. Jackson of Putnam County, it being land drawn in the Georgia Land Lottery of 1820. William F. Mapp “informed” the Walton County Superior Court in 1823 that the land was drawn under fraudulent conditions. Georgia law allowed one to submit a writ of Scire facias informing the court of the suspected fraudulent land acquisition. If correct, the informer received one-half of the land in question with the other half going to “the several county academies of this State”.

The “tenant in possession” was not necessarily the person perpetuating the fraud, and may have been an innocent buyer from the original drawer.

The court first found in favor of Frederick Reeves, but upon appeal by William F. Mapp, the court found against Frederick Reeves and ordered the sheriff and a group of eleven partitioners to divide the land in two equal parts, one going to Mapp and the other to the State for use of the county academies. In 1825, the State apparently decided to sell its interest in the tract and Frederick Reeves made the highest bid for the land (half of Lot 18). Reeves was issued a grant in 1832.

Page 3
April Term 1823

The State &
Wm. F. Mapp, informer         Sci fa (Scire Facias)
Vs.                                               We the Jury find for the defendant with costs.
Frederick Rieves                       Caleb Golding foreman
Tenant in possession

Page ?
April Term 1823

The State &
William F. Mapp, Informer             Sci fa (Scire Facias)
Vs.        hs~         hs~         hs~           Ordered for defendant
Frederick Reeves (illegible)

The plaintiff being dissatisfied with said verdict comes forward pay cost and pray an appeal and gives Green Steed as Security for (illegible) consideration money and all future Costs and he acknowledges himself bound as such this 15th April 1823.
William F. Mapp
Green Steed

Page 124
October Term 1824

Walton County

To the Honorable the Superior Court now Sitting.

The petition of William F. Mapp Showeth that (illegible) as informer (illegible) a Scire facias to be (illegible) against Frederick Reeves as tenant in possession of lot number eighteen in the third section of Walton County drawn by Peter L. Jackson of Putnam County that at April Term 1824 of the Honorable Court the said the said draw was decreed (illegible) by the Court to be fraudulent which will appear by the records of the court now ready to be shown. Wherefore your petitioner prays that a writ of petition be granted have directed to Ethan Melton Sheriff and eleven other jurors to be appointed by the Court directing and requiring them to divide said tract of land into two equal parts agreeable to quantity and quality and set apart one half thereof for your petitioner and the other half For the several County Academies of the State and they make return of their proceedings under their hands and Seal to the Clerk of this Court that the same be made the Judgment thereof in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of this State passed the 7th day of December 1821 And your petitioner (illegible) duly bound will (illegible) pray

October 6th 1824
Adam G. Safford
Atty for informer

It appearing to the court that the prayer of the petitioner is reasonable & ought to be granted wherefore it is ordered by the Court that Ethan Melton Sheriff of Walton County and Green Melton (page cut off)

Page 168
October Term 1824

Wm. F. Mapp Informer
vs.                                             Scire facias
Frederick Reeves
Tenant in possession
of lot 18 3 Sec Walton

A majority of the partitioners having executed this writ and made their releases under their hands & Seals to this Court on Motion of Counsel Ordered that the facias be ordered by the Clerk of record be and is hereby the Judgment of this Court I find & Conclusion between the parties concurred.

Walton County

We the undersigned do hereby Certify that We have all appeared together and have been duly sworn according to law to divide lot number eighteen in the third District of the County aforesaid and have divided the Same agreeable to quantity and quality and decided that their shall be a tract line run from the Beaverdam Creek to the back line adjoining lot number seventeen in the district aforesaid so as to leave ninety four acres for the several County Acadamies in this State of said Lot on the side that lies broad side with lot number nineteen in said District and the balances for William F. Mapp Informer.

Given under our hands & Seals this 8th day of October 1824

Green Williams
H. H. Camp
Jonathan (X) Lindly
Thomas Camp
David W. Gregory
Isham Sims
James Lindly D. S.

Sale of Land in 1825 and Grant of 1832


1832 Vol. 1 — Page: 234-235
Sequential Number: 178
IN SENATE, Dec. 17, 1832.

                                *     *     *     *     *

And whereas, the state's interest in fraudulent lot number eighteen in the third district of Walton, was sold at public sale by the sheriff of said county on the fourth day of January, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, when Frederick Reeves became the highest bidder and obtained a certificate to that effect from the said sheriff; and whereas, the said Reeves has paid up the whole of said purchase money. Wherefore,

Be it it resolved, That the Governor cause a grant to issue to the said Reeves, for the state's half of said lot number eighteen, in the third district of Walton county.

Read and agreed to.
Attest, I. L. HARRIS, Secretary.
In the House of Representatives,

Read and concurred in, Dec. 22, 1832.
Attest, R. W. CARNES, Clerk.

Approval Date: Approved, Dec. 24, 1832.


Source: Walton County Superior Court Minutes, 1819-1834, Minutes 1823-1827, Microfilm, Georgia Archives; Georgia Legislative Documents, Galileo Digital Initiative Database, presented in the Digital Library of Georgia

Contributors to this page: Beverly and Richard .
Page last modified on Wednesday 07 of August, 2013 08:02:10 CDT by Beverly.