1823 Deed - William Reeves to Jesse Reeves

1823 Deed - William Reves to Jesse Reves

Deed - William Reves to Jesse Reves

Ashe County, North Carolina
Deed Book E, p. 168


William Reves Deed to Jesse Reves 300 acres
This Indenture made this 6th day of September in the year of our Lord 1823 by and between William Reves of the County of Ashe and State of North Carolina of the one part, and Jesse Reves of the County of Grayson & State of Virginia of the other part Witnesseth that he the Said William Reves for and in consideration of the Sum of Seven hundred Dollars to him in hand paid by the Said Jesse Reves the receipt hereof is acknowledged and himself fully paid hath bargained and Sold and by these presents doth fully, freely, and absolutely Sell and confirm unto him the Said Jesse Reves a certain tract or parcel of land being the home place containing three hundred acres be the Same more or less, lying in the County of Ashe and State of North Carolina, and bounded as follows, Joining the land of John Toliver on the East and on the west by Jesse Reves land and on the West by (?) Reves and on the South by an agreed line between Wm. Reves & James Hethorn being the hole of the land I Sold to sd. Jesse Reves to have and to hold the aforesaid premises with all the Appurtenances to the said land belonging or in any wise Appertaining, and I do hereby warrant & forever defend the aforesaid premises free and clear of all claims and incumberances, that any person or persons may lawfully have against Said land.
                      In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal day and date above written.
          Allen Burton
          A. B. McMillan                                                                           Wm. Reves (Seal)

North Carolina   }             November Term 1823 the within deed
Ashe County        }             was duly proven in open Court by the oath
of Allen Burton and ordered to be registered

                                                                                                  Test           David Earnest D.C.

Research Notes

The Jesse Reves who was the grantee in the above deed is described as "of Grayson County, Virginia" making it doubtful that he was Jesse Reeves, brother of William Reeves. In 1859, the heirs of Jesse Reves, son of George Reeves, Jr., sold 300 acres whose boundaries and neighboring lines match the description of the property in this deed.


Ashe County Register of Deeds

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Sunday 13 of February, 2022 09:33:39 CST by Beverly.