
1824 Widow's Share of John Carraway Estate-Adam Reaves

Dower Share for Elizabeth Carraway - Adam Reaves on Committee

Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book
Vol. 5
1822 - 1828
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates

Image 67

State of No. Carolina
Wayne County

In Obedience to an Order of Court of the County Court of Wayne. We the Jurors have be summoned & Sworn by the Sheriff of said County to lay off to Elziabeth Carraway Widow of John Carraway dec'd her Dower in the land of said Dec'd. WE have agreeable thereto as he above plan represents (To Wit) On both sides of Carraways Creek and Bounded as follows . . . .

In Testimony whereof we the Jurors have hereunto set our hands & seals this 16th day of January 1824.

John Cox
David (mark) Edwards
Edmond Cox
Solomon Kevele
Jesse Musgrave
Peter (mark) Andews
Andrew (mark) Massey
Adam Reaves
Laban Seives(?)
Uriah Sewel(?)
Ric'd Casey
James Griswold

Wm. Raiford Shff
Feby Co. 1824

(The first name of the Reaves above is not easy to read, but after careful study it appears to be "Adam".)


Contributors to this page: @TRP-GC and Richard .
Page last modified on Wednesday 23 of May, 2012 01:37:52 CDT by @TRP-GC.