1825 Will - Abner Reeves

1825 Will - Abner Reeves

1825 Will - Abner Reeves


Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
Will Book 2, p186 (#935)
Dated: 5 Mar 1825
Proved: 25 Aug 1828


Will of Abner Reves
In the name of God Amen. I Abner Reves of Rostraver township Westmoreland County State of Pennsylvania being advanced in years in an uncertain health but strong in mind and knowing the uncertainty of life and wishing to settle my worldly concerns do make and constitute this my last will and Testament disanulling all former Wills & and Testaments whatever.
First I give and bequeath my soul to God who gave it and my body I allow to be buried according to the discretion of my friends in hopes of a glorious resurrection.
Second Having some years ago given the tract of land I purchased of Van Sweerenger unto my three sons Jesse Abner and Samuel and they having dealt amongst themselves so that Jesse is now in possession of said tract and having several years past given him the said Jesse a Deed for the same I allow that the said Deed and tract of land above named to be the portion of said three sons viz Jesse Abner and Samuel with the additions hereafter annexed.
Third Having given my son John an outselli(?) of four hundred Dollars I allow that to be his portion.
Fourth to my son Manasseh I give and bequeath my homestead place which I bought of William Richie subject to the following payment which I bind him the said Manasseh to make viz. To my four Daughters Elizabeth Mary Hannah and Susannah each twelve dollars to be paid within one year after my Decease. I likewise have unto my son Manasseh all my personal property except my horse and bind him therefore to pay all my honest Debts.
Fifth I Bequeath unto my Grandson Barnes C. Reves my horse and bind him to pay my Daughter Susannah Twenty Dollars.
I wish my wearing apparel to be divided among my sons and furthermore I nominate constitute and appoint my son Samuel Reeves and Luke Beezel executors of this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I hereto subscribe my hand and affix my seal this fifth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty five.
Abner Reeves (Seal)
Attest D H Springer J H Springer
Proven by the subscribing witnesses the 25th August AD 1828. No letters issued to executors.


FamilySearch - Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Will Book 2, p186 (#935)