1825 Administration - Isaac W. Reeve

1825 Administration - Isaac W. Reeve

1825 Administration - Isaac W. Reeve


Essex County, New Jersey
Administration Book A, p268
26 Dec 1825


I Francis C. F. Randolph Surrogate of the County of Essex do certify that on the sixteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty five administration of the goods and chattels, rights & credits which were of Isaac W. Reeve late of the county of Essex who died intestate was granted by me to Isaac B. Smith and Samuel Bailey of the County of Essex who are duly authorized to administer the same agreably to law
Witness my hand and seal of office the sixteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty five - 1825
F. C. F. Randolph
Surrogate of Essex


FamilySearch - Essex County, New Jersey Administration Book A, p268