Will of Elizabeth Musgrave - Legacy to Daughter Mary Reaves
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book
Vol. 5
1822 - 1828
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Image 260
State of North Carolina
Wayne County
In the name of God amen I Elizabeth Musgrave of the County and State aforesaid being in my perfect mind and Considering the mortality of my body do make this my last Will for the purpose Setting my worldly affairs in maner and form following (Viz) First { I Give and bequeath unto my Son Arthur Jernigan Ten Dollars to him his Heirs an assigns forever (Second) I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Reaves Ten dollars to her her (sic) heirs and assigns forever Third { I Give and bequeath unto my Grandson Calvin Henry Jerrigan a Negro Girl named Elisa to him his Heirs and assigns forever Fourth { My will Further is that my son Calvin J. Musgrave have all of the Balance of my estate of every description or discrimination whatever that may be due me or that may be in my possession at the time of my death provided he pays my just debts My Will Further is in case any of the above legatees neglects or refuses to Claim their legacys within two Years from my death in Such Cast I Give the Same that is not claimed to my Son Calvin J. Musgrave in addition to what I have already Given him in Witness I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the 10th of February 1827 Signed and Sealed and acknowledged in presents of us
Elizabeth (mark) Musgrave
Nathan Musgrave
Stephen (mark) Howell
Proved August Term 1828
Mary Reaves, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Jernigan Musgrave was the second wife of Adam Reaves, Sr..