1828 Will - Phebe Reeves

1828 Will - Phebe Reeves

1828 Will - Phebe Reeves


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court
Will Liber E, p330
Dated: 2 Feb 1828
Proved: 12 Feb 1828


In the name of God Amen I Phebe Reeves of the town of Southampton in the county of Suffolk and State of New York do make and publish this my last will & testament (to wit)
First I give and bequeath to my niece Marian Halsey my case of draws fire tongs bellows one checkr linnen apron one arugget gown one acd? and white calico bed spread two pair of pillow cases my large Bible two low red chests two smoothing irons to her and her heirs and assigns
2nd To my sister Lucretia Sanford I give and bequeath one calico gown one woollen gown one loose gown one dark clintz? gown one green bed quilt two bed blankets to her and her heirs and assigns
3rd All the remainder of my personal estate I give and bequeath to my two nieces Matsy S. Rogers and Harriet S. Cooper and to their heirs and assigns equally between them
4th I do also appoint Levi Howell and John H. Cooper Executors of this my Last will and testament and to settle the same after my decease
Phebe Reeves (LS)
Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named Phebe Reeves to be her last will and testament in presence of us who have hereunto set our hands in the presence of the testator February the second in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight.
Job H. Halsey, Lavina Sanford

Suffolk County SS Be it remembered that on the twelfth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight personally appeared before Hugh Halsey Esquire Surrogate of the said county John H. Halsey and Lavina Sanford of Southampton in the county aforesaid who being duly sworn on their oaths declared that they saw Phebe Reeves sign and seal an instrument in writing purporting to be the will of the said Phebe Reeves bearing date the second day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight the preceeding whereof is a true copy and heard her publish and declare the same as and for her last will and testament that at the time thereof she the said Phebe Reeves was of a sound disposing mind and memory to the best of the knowledge and belief of them the deponents and that their names subscribed as witnesses to the said will is of their own proper hand writing and that they subscribed their names at the same time in presence of the Testator.
Hugh Halsey

Suffolk County SS Be it also remembered that on the twelfth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight personally appeared before me the said Surrogate John H. Cooper one of the executors in the aforesaid will named and was duly sworn to the faithful performance and execution thereof by taking the usual oath in that case provided.
Hugh Halsey


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court Will Liber E, p330