
1828 Will - James Rives

Will of James Reeves (Rives)

Warren County, Tennessee
14 Sep 1828
Wills Vol. I, Page 39

The Noncupative Will of James Rives Decd

State of Tennessee          §          The Deposition of John Boulding
Warren County                §          & Susan Susan (sic) Hooten who
being duly Sworn under the holy Evangelist of Almighty God depose and Say they ware (sic) present and Callers upon in the time of the Last Sirgrys (sic surgerys?) of James Rives now Deceased and the Said James Rives appeared at that time in his Sound Memory who verbally made his last Will as follows, to wit
It was the desire of the Said James Rives that his body Should be Buried in a Deasant (sic) manner afterwards that all his Just debts Should be discharged and it was his desire that his Father and mother and his Sister Susan Should be paid for their trouble waiting on him during his Ilness or that they Should have more than the rest of his Brothers and Sisters his Brother John Excepted, it appeared to be his desire that he Should have Something more than the Rest as he was a Cripple but appeared to leave it for his Father to Judge how much more he Should have and the Balance of his Effects if Should remain Should be equally Divided Between his Beloved Father his Brother John Rives his Brother William Rives Elizabeth Tramel his Sister Sally Sual (sic Sewell?) & Polly Starr Susan Rives and Thomas Rives and these deponants further State that the Said James Rives further Expressed his Will that his aforesaid Beloved Father Should be Sole Executor to carry into effect his wishes as before mentioned and these deponants further Say not Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 14th day of September 1828

                                              John R. Bolding (Seal)
                                              Susan Rives (Seal)

Alexr McC MacWhorter
Justice of the Peace

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