1828 Deed - Sheriff to Ambrose Phipps
Wake County, North Carolina
Deed Book 9, Pg 140
17 Nov 1828
Wm. R. Hinton Sheriff § This Indenture made this 17th day of November into § the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred
Ambrose Phipps § and Twenty Eight Between William R. Hinton Esquire, Sheriff for the County of Wake on the one part, and of the County of _ (blank in original) Ambrose Phipps on the other part. Whereas by Virtue of an Execution issuing from the County Court of Pleas & quarter Sessions held for the County of Wake at the Court House on the Third Monday in August, 1828 for the Sum of Sixty dollars and twelve cents which said Sum was adjudged Thomas Humphries and his wife Deborah should pay on Record of said Court may appear and whereas the said Execution was directed and delivered to the said William R. Hinton Esquire Sheriff as aforesaid, commanding him that of the Goods, chattels land & tenements of the said Thomas Humphries & his wife Deborah he should cause to be made the Sum of Twenty Five dollars & twelve cents to satisfy the said Execution with the costs thereon and the said William R. Hinton Sheriff as aforesaid in pursuance and by Virtue of his Office and the aforesaid Execution did seize and take into his hands and custody (no goods or chattels to be found) a certain piece or parcel of Land situate lying and being in the said County of Wake bounded as follows Beginning a Hickory in James Holloways line, containing Seventy Three acres more or less which said Tract of Land was allotted to Deborah Humphries wife of Thomas Humphries as her dower in the Lands which John Reves died seized & possessed lying adjoining the Land of said James Holloway and the Heirs of John Reves deceased. And the said William R. Hinton Sheriff as aforesaid, after due advertisement according to Law, did cause the said piece or parcel of Land with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to be put up at public sale to the highest bidder on the 17th day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred & Twenty Eight at which time & place the aforesaid Ambrose Phipps by James Holloway became the last & highest bidder at the Sum of ten dollars & twenty five cents for the said Lands with the appurtenances thereunto belonging. This Indenture Witnesseth, that the said William R. Hinton Sheriff of the County aforesaid for and in Consideration of the Sum of ten dollars & twenty five cents to him in hand paid by the said Ambrose Phipps, at and before the sealing and signing of those presents the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the said William R. Hinton Sheriff doth hereby bargain sell, alien enfeoff convey & confirm unto the said Ambrose Phipps his heirs Executors, Administrators, or assigns forever All the aforesaid Land tenements and appurtenances, with all right, title, claim or Demand of or unto the aforesaid piece or parcel of land, with all the Hereditaments and Emoluments to the same belonging, or in any wise appertaining. to have & to hold to him the sd Ambrose Phipps, his heirs Executors, Administrators or assigns forever in as full and ample a manner, as he the said Sheriff is empowered by virtue of his office. And further the said William R. Hinton Sheriff, doth hereby covenant, promise and Grant to and with the said Ambrose Phipps, his Heirs Executors, Administrators and Assigns, who shall and may from time to time need (sic?) at all times hereafter, have hold occupy possess and enjoy the said premises with the appurtenances, free and clear of and from all incumbrances had made done or committed by him the said William R. Hinton Sheriff, or by his Order means, or procurement, and that he the said William R. Hinton Sheriff of the County aforesaid, hereunto sets his hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of
Danl G. Rencher (Jurat) Wm. Hinton Shff (Seal)
Wake County February Term 1829
The within Deed was in Open Court duly proved by the oath of Daniel G. Rencher a witness thereto and Ordered to be Registered.
B. L. King Clerk
Registered in the Registers Office of Wake County in Book No. 9 and page 140 the 6th day of October A.D. 1829.
Richard Smith Reg.