Cases on Which Frederick Reeves Served as Juror
Walton County Superior Court
August Term 1830
Sarah Thompson
vs. Application for Dower
Robert Echols
- David Lanier
- Christopher McRea
- Frederick Reeves
- Grisham Herrin
- John H. Banks
- Paul T. Willis
- Robert Kilgore
- Ralph Briscoe
- James Phillips
- John Trammell
- Jesse H. Arnold
- James Thompson
* * *
Hardy Treadwell
vs. Assumpsit
Joseph Banks &
Sarah, his wife, Appl
- Robert M. Echols
- David Lanier
- Christopher McRae
- Frederick Reeves
- Grisham Herrin
- David Malcom
- John H. Banks
- Paul T. Willis
- Robert Kilgore
- James Lindley
- James Phillips
- John Trammell
We the Jury find for the respondent. One hundred & fifty one dollars 20/1000 with int. & cost.
Robt. M. Echols For.
Note: Assumpsit is an action for the recovery of damages caused by the breach or non-performance of a contract, written or oral, not made under seal.
* * *
The Bank of Dairen
Plaintiff in Exc. (Execution)
vs. Shffs Report
Thos. R. Mitchell
Def’t in Execution &
Jesse Mitchell Jur. &
Jesse Mitchell Senr
- David Lanier
- Christopher McRae
- Frederick Reaves
- Grisham Herren
- Paul T. Willis
- Robert Kilgore
- James Phillips
- John Trammell
- Noah Nelson
- Andrew Boyd
- Archibald Tanner
- Frederick Rains
Within Jury find the Land subject (illegible) delivery.
Jas. Phillips for.
* * *
William Mullins Snr Respt
Richards Jones appl
- Robert M. Echols
- David Lanier
- Christopher McRae
- Frederick Reeves
- Grisham Harren
- David Malcom
- John H. Banks
- Paul T. Willis
- Robert Kilgore
- James Lindley
- James Phillips
- James Thompson
We the Jury find for the respondent forty dollars int & cost of suit
Robert M. Echols for.