Walton Co., GA 1830 Court - Frederick Reeves, Juror on August Cases

1830 - Frederick Reeves, Juror

Cases on Which Frederick Reeves Served as Juror

Walton County Superior Court
August Term 1830

Sarah Thompson
vs.                                 Application for Dower
Robert Echols

  1. David Lanier
  2. Christopher McRea
  3. Frederick Reeves
  4. Grisham Herrin
  5. John H. Banks
  6. Paul T. Willis
  7. Robert Kilgore
  8. Ralph Briscoe
  9. James Phillips
  10. John Trammell
  11. Jesse H. Arnold
  12. James Thompson

                            *               *               *

Hardy Treadwell
vs.                                 Assumpsit
Joseph Banks &
Sarah, his wife, Appl

  1. Robert M. Echols
  2. David Lanier
  3. Christopher McRae
  4. Frederick Reeves
  5. Grisham Herrin
  6. David Malcom
  7. John H. Banks
  8. Paul T. Willis
  9. Robert Kilgore
  10. James Lindley
  11. James Phillips
  12. John Trammell

We the Jury find for the respondent. One hundred & fifty one dollars 20/1000 with int. & cost.

Robt. M. Echols For.

Note: Assumpsit is an action for the recovery of damages caused by the breach or non-performance of a contract, written or oral, not made under seal.

                            *               *               *

The Bank of Dairen
Plaintiff in Exc. (Execution)
vs.                                 Shffs Report
Thos. R. Mitchell
Def’t in Execution &
Jesse Mitchell Jur. &
Jesse Mitchell Senr

  1. David Lanier
  2. Christopher McRae
  3. Frederick Reaves
  4. Grisham Herren
  5. Paul T. Willis
  6. Robert Kilgore
  7. James Phillips
  8. John Trammell
  9. Noah Nelson
  10. Andrew Boyd
  11. Archibald Tanner
  12. Frederick Rains

Within Jury find the Land subject (illegible) delivery.
Jas. Phillips for.

                            *               *               *

William Mullins Snr Respt
Richards Jones appl

  1. Robert M. Echols
  2. David Lanier
  3. Christopher McRae
  4. Frederick Reeves
  5. Grisham Harren
  6. David Malcom
  7. John H. Banks
  8. Paul T. Willis
  9. Robert Kilgore
  10. James Lindley
  11. James Phillips
  12. James Thompson

We the Jury find for the respondent forty dollars int & cost of suit

Robert M. Echols for.


Walton County Superior Court Minutes, 1819-1834, Minutes of 1827-1834, pp. 279, 280, 284, 295, Microfilm, Georgia Archives, FamilyHistory Film 26204.

Contributors to this page: Beverly and Richard .
Page last modified on Wednesday 07 of August, 2013 08:23:41 CDT by Beverly.