York Co., SC - Reeves Heirs in David Roddey Estate

1830 Probate - Reeves Heirs in David Roddey Estate

Settlement of Estate of David Roddey

York County, South Carolina
20 Sep 1830
Case Nbr. 45, File #1905

John Kinmore one of the Admrs of the estate of David Roddey decd Settlement

Settlement same as the last in 1829

Produced the following heirs at Law receipts Elizabeth Roddey Receipt dated 12th Sep 1828 for the Sum of..............................................$574.55

Produced Robt Reeves Guardian Receipt no date for the amt of one hundred & Seven dollars 34/100 Cents due to Eleanor D. Reeves, Mary R. Reeves & Benj C. Reeves Signed Robt Reeves Guardian.........................107.34
Witness E. Hall

Produced John Roddey Recpt dated the 12th Sepr 1828 for two Hundred & forty two dollars 50/100 Cents at different times.................242.50
Signed - Jno Roddey

Produced James Duncan Receipts dated as follows:
One dated Decr 29, 1825 for three dollars.......................3.00
one dated Decr 31, 1828 for forty dollars......................40.00
one dated Decr 26, 1823 for Eight dollars & 14/100.......8.14
one dated Jany 9, 1826 for fifteen dollars 81/100..........15.81
one dated Octr 21, 1824 for twelve dollars 16/100........12.16
All Signed Jas. Duncan

Sworn to before me Sepr 20th 1830
            Benjm Chambers OYD

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Page last modified on Sunday 22 of May, 2011 12:56:14 CDT by Beverly.