1831 Will - Richard Reeves
Burlington County, New JerseyWill Records 14151C
11 Dec 1831
I Richard Reeves of Evesham in the County of Burlington and State of New Jersey being at this time weak in body but through mercy favoured with sound mind and memory and being desirous that what temporal estate I am favoured with may after my decease decend unto wife and children in the way and manner herein after directed, in order thereto I do make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form following vizFirst I order and direct my executors herein after named to pay off and discharge all my debts and expences as soon after my decease as may be convenient from and out of my personal estate
Second I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah Reeves the sum of four hundred dollars in goods at their appraised value or in mercy of my personal estate as she may choose I also give and devise to my said wife the use and occupence of this my dwelling house together with the profits of some back lots, from and after my decease, until the time that our youngest son Mahlon Reeves shall arrive to twenty one years of age, she to keep the premises in as good repair as the same now is and to have the manure from the tavern yard now ocupied by Mary Kirkbride, to put on said lots, as the same hath been heretofore.
Third I give and bequeath to each of my daughters, (namely) Elizabeth the wife of Jarvis Haines, Sarah Ann, Martha, Esther and Mary Reeves the sum of four hundred dollars, to be paid to them by my executors as they severally arive to eighteen years of age, from and out of my personal estate, I also give to my said Daughters equally the neat proceeds of my Tavern House and lot in medford, now occupied by Stacy Kirkbride, to be rented by my executors, and the neat proceeds of the rent paid to my said daughters as aforesaid, (reserving the manure for the benefit of the back lots as aforesaid) which neat proceeds as aforesaid I give to my said daughters until my executors shall make sale thereof as herein after directed, and when sold I give to my said daughters equally the neat proceed arising from such sale, and I hereby order and direct my executors to sell and dispose of the said Tavern House and lot, at such time as they may apprehend will be most adventageous to my said Daughters, to be sold however previous to my youngest Daughter ariving to eighteen years of age, and share by authorize my executors to make and execute a good and sufficient title to the purchaser thereof
Fourth I give and devise to my Daughters Elizabeth Haines and Sarah Ann Reeves a certain lot of pine land which I purchased of Joseph Nailes cntaining about 24 acres in the township of Northampton to have and to hold to them my said daughters in equal undivided shares as tenants in common, their heirs and assigns forever. And I give and devise to my Daughters Martha Esther and Mary Reeves each ten acres of Pine land to be run off of a tract which I hold near Josiah Smiths in the township of Washington by my executors To have and to Hold to them my said Daughters their heirs and assigns forever. The residue of the said tract be the same more or less I give and devise to my sons William, John, Benjamin and Mahlen Reeves in equal undivided shares as tenants in common To have and To Hold to them their heirs and assigns forever
Fifth I give and devise to my four sons William John Benjamin and Mahlon Reeves all the residue of my real estate situate in the village of Medford not herein before disposed of together with some back lots adjacent to said village To Have and To Hold them my said sons in equal undivided shares as tenants in common their heirs and asigns forever, subject to the previledges and incumbrances hereinbefor given to their mother - the new brick house to be finished at their own expence. And it is my will that they hold the same undivided until my youngest son Mahlon arives to twenty one years of age, my sons William and John to have the use and occupence of such parts thereof as is not herein before given to my wife until my said son Mahlon arives to twenty one years of age, and paying rent therefore to my executor of forty dollars per annum, which sum I appropriate to the payment of a legacy hereinafter given to my two younger sons, and it is my will that when my said son Mahlon arives to twenty one years of age that the said premises be equally divided between my said sons and that they the take full possession of their respective parts thereof and that they after that pay to their mother the sum of one hundred dollars per annum (that is to say) each of my sons to pay to her twenty five dollars yearly and every year as long as she may remain my widow but at her death or marriage the said payment as well as the aforesaid previledge in this my dwelling house ad back lots to lease and be at an end and the property to vest free of further incumbrance in my said children.
Sixth I give and bequeath to my two sons Benjamin and Mahlon each the sum of two hundred dollars to be paid to them by my executors when they arrive to twenty one years of age from the rents herein before appropriated for that purpose and the ballance from my personal estate - I order and direct my executors to sell and dispose of a lot of land in Evesham containing about eleven acres which lot was formerly the property of Solomen Hainse and I authorize them to make and execute a title or titles for the same and I hereby declare it to be my will that the severall legacys and previledges herein before given to my wife Sarah Reeves is given to her in liew of her dower in and to my whole estate
Seventh All the residue of personal estate if any there be I give and bequeath to all my children equally.
And Lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my friends Eward Thomas and Job Lippincott both of said village of Medford executors to this my last will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eleventh day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one
Richard Reeves
Signed Sealed published Pronounced }
and declared by the said Richard }
Reeves to be his last will and Tes }
tament in the presence of us }
John Stokes
Stacy Kirkbridge
John Evans
John Stokes one of the witnesses to the above will alleging himself to be conscientiously scrupulous of taking an oath & being solemnly affirmed according to law doth declare & say that he saw Richard Reeve the testator therein named date and sign & seal the same & heard him publish pronounce & declare the above writing to be his last will & testament; that at the time of the doing thereof the said testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory so far as this affirmant knows & as he verily believes; and that Stacy Kirkbridge & John Evans the other subscribing evidences were present at the same time & signed their names as witnesses to the said will together with this affirmant in the presence of the said testator
John Stokes
Affirmed the 11th day of January
AD 1832 before me
M.. Brown Surrog