1833 Administration - Ann Reeves
Dated: 16 May 1833, Leyton, EssexProbated: Consistory Court of London, DL/C/507/214/1, 16 May 1833
16th May 1833Appeared Personally Robert Reeves and alleged that Ann Reeves formerly Foster late of Leyton in the County of Essex deceased departed this life on or about the 17th day of May 1812 intestate leaving behind her the appeare her lawful husband wherefore he prayed Letters of Administration of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased to be committed and granted to him upon giving the usual security
Let Administration pass as prayed the said Robert Reeves having been first sworn duly to administer that the deceased died on or about the seventeenth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred ad twelve and that the whole of her goods chattels and credits do not amount in value to the sum one hundred pounds
before me
C Coote
W Healst Not Pub