1833 Accounting of Estate of Adam Reaves
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book
Vol. 2
1810 - 1812
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Minutes of The Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions
Image 56
(1833 Minutes of The Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions)
Ordered that Stephen Smith Willis Hall & Solomon Pope be appointed a Committee to audit the accounts of Jas. Cox of Adam Reaves dec'd, May Court 1833 (May 20, 1833).
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book
Vol. 6
1828 - 1834
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Image 532
John Cox admr in a/c (account) with the Estate of Adam Reaves
By Note pd to Washington & Wright
Principal i& Int up to Nov. 4th 1833 38.09
By acct pd Washington & Wright as above 66.25
By and pd Adam Win 8.36
Doctr John Wright a/c 9.64
Acct pd Jno. Bennett 13.48
Acct pd Jno. Herison 6.74
Acct pd N. Washington 7.76
Acct pd Solomon Waters 9.64
Note pd James Rhodes 22.39
Acct pd Rhodes & Jernigan 1.00
Acct. pd Jno. Rouse 2.25
William Thompson recd 6.56
Acct pd Charles Carraway 3.74
Acct pd Henry Revell 1.11
Note pd Ezekiel Slocumb 30.78
Horace William recd 6.35
Note pd Stephen Smith 12.39
George Mordicais recd 4.60
Acct pd Henry Revill .95
Note pd James Whitfield 74.41
Note pd Saul Cherry 1.00
Acct Court Charges 1.20
James Herrings recd 1.00
By John Burnits recd 1.00
By John Newall recd 1.00
By Joseph Herring recd 1.00
By Commissions 19.48
By acct Sales made 6th June 1831 313.00
23 Months Int on the Same 35.99
One note on John Rouse 17.70
22 Months Int on the Same 1.94
Rec'd of William Jane (?) Jr one
Thousand weight Seed Cotton 20.00
10 Months Int on Same 1.00
Pursuant to an Order of Court issued Augt Term 1833 directing us to Settle and adjust the Estate of Adam Reavesand Ephraim Orrmon with John Cox their admr. Report that we have attended thereto as the above exhibit will shew and find due from Sd admr to the Estate of Adam Reaves Thirty Six Dollars & Twenty Six Cents we find due from Sd admr to the Estate of Ephraim Orrmon One hundred and ninety Eight - Dollars & Ninety three Cents which we respectfully submit.
Thos. Kennedy
Willis Hall
Solomon Pope
Nov. Co. 1833
(Note: Cox filed accounts of estates of both Orrman and Reaves on the same day. Apparently he was named administrator of both, but there is no obvious relationship.)