Deed - Peter Reves to Charles Clay
Halifax County, Virginia
Deed Book 42, Page 229-230
21 Feb 1834
THIS INDENTURE made this twenty first day of February in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty four Between Peter Reves of the County of Halifax, State of Virginia of the one part and Charles Clay of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Peter Reaves (sic Reves) for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said Charles Clay, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged; have granted, bargained sold and confirmed by these presents do grant, bargain sell release enfeoff & confirm unto the said Charles Clay and to his heirs and assigns forever a tract or parcel of land containing one hundred acres Situate lying and being in the County of Halifax aforesaid on Runaway Creek and its branches and bounded as followeth Beginning on Runaway creek Clays old line, thence No 73½° West 149 poles to a corner pine in Easleys line, thence Easleys, Logans & Cains lines No 17° W 170 poles to a pine near a small road - Charles Clays corner, thence Said Clays line due east 14 poles to a small black gum, thence South 57° east 166 poles to a pine near a spring thence No 70° E 8½ pole to the west fork Runaway creek thence down the same as it meanders to where said creek is ditched out (new) thence down said ditch to the beginning, together with all the appurtenances, belonging, contiguous or appertaining to the said tract of land and the said Charles Clay his heirs and assigns forever and the said Peter Reves for himself his heirs to well warrant a good & sufficient right and title to the said tract of land with the appurtenances unto the said Charles Clay his heirs and assigns forever as whereof I the said Peter Reves have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal the day and date first above written.
Peter Reves SS
At a Court held for Halifax County the 23d day of March 1835
The within written Indenture was presented in Court & acknowledged by the within named Peter Reves party thereto, to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.
Examined and Teste, Wm Holt C.H.C.