Deed - Jarrat & Elizabeth Broadwell to James Holloway
Wake County, North Carolina
Deed Book 11, pg 507
14th August 1834
Jarrat Broadwell & § This Indenture made and indented the 14th day ofElizabeth his wife § August 1834 by and between Jarret Broadwell & his
to § wife Elizabeth formerly Elizabeth Reaves (sic Reeves)
James Holloway § of the County of Wake & State of North Carolina of the one part and James Holloway of the other part all of the County & state aforesaid.
Witnesseth for an in consideration of the Sum of Forty Dollars to us in hand paid by the said James Holloway the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged all have Bargained Sold and by force of the presents doth bargain Sell and confirm unto him the said James Holloway his heirs and assigns all the Interest Claim and title that we have in and to all that tract of Land which John Beaves (sic Reeves) died Seized and possessed of lying and being in the County & State aforesaid Adjoining the Lands of Alford Alston & others and alal the Interest title & claim that we have in and to the tract of Land that Major Holloway died Seized and possessed of Situate Lying and being in the County & State aforesaid on Elobee Creek adjoining the tract of land that the Said John Beeves (sic Reeves) died Seized and possessed of & others To have an to hold the Above described Claims and Interest in and to Said tract of Land free and Clear of and from the lawful Claim or Claims of all persons whatsoever and all further for our Selves our heirs & Covenants and agrees to and with the Said James Holloway his heirs & that we and they will forever warrant and defend to him and them the true and Lawful right and title in and to said tract of land free and Clear of and from the lawful Claim or Claims of all persons whatsoever and from any incumbrance whatsoever in testimony of all which we hereunto set our hands and affix our Seals the day and date first herein written.
Jarrat Broadwell (Seal)
Elizabeth Broadwell (Seal)
William P. Holloway } We do hereby certify that Elizabeth Broadwell upon
Stephen P. Holloway } examination by we two of the Justices of the prior (?) for the County of Wake State of N Carolina doth make over & confirm all her rite and title the above bargained tract of land of her own free good will believing it to be the best for the future --- in time to come August 14th A.D. 1834.
A. — Myatt
M. Thompson JP
Wake County - February sessions 1835
The Execution of the within Deed was duly proven by William P. Holloway a Subscribing Witness thereto & ordered to be Registered.
B. L. King CC
Registered in the Registers office of Wake County in Book No. 11 and page 507 the 23rd day of April A.D. 1835.
Richard Smith Register