1834 Deed - George W. Rives to William F. Thurp

1834 Deed - George W. Rives to William F. Thurp

1834 Deed - George W. Rives to William F. Thurp

Giles County, Tennessee
Deed Book L, p185
21 Oct 1834


G. W. Rives   }
deed to           }
Wm F Thorp } Registered the 24th day of March 1835
This indenture maid and entered into this the 21st of Oct in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four between G W Rives of the County of Giles and State of Tennessee of the one parte and William F Thurp of Lincoln County and State afresaid of the other part (Witnesseth) that the said G W Rives as a foursaid for and in consideration of the sum of seven hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the afoursaid William F Thurp the receipt whereof is hereby acnolledg hath given granted bargained sold aliened conveyed and confirmed unto the said William F Thurp a certain trak or parcel of land lying being and situate in the County of Giles and state of Tennessee on the east side of Bradshaw Creek and bounded as follows (to wit)
Beginning at a beach four and a half poles running thence north four degrees west sixty poles to a beach thence north thirty two degrees east forty eight poles , to a sugar tree and black ash thence north twenty one degrees east forty six poles, to a large poplar stump and stak corner thence south fifty-eight degrees east eighty poles to a beach thence south ten poles to a stake thence east two hundred and eighty two poles to a large white oake in the east boundary line thence south five and a half degrees east with said line seventy four poles to a large Hickory and white oak thence west two hundred and ninety poles to a poplar & dogwood thence south ten poles to a red bud thence north eighty nine degrees west fifty one poles to a stake in a cane thence south twenty eight degrees west forty six poles to the beginning containing two hundred and two acres be the same more or less to have and to hold the afoursaid track or parcel of land with all and singular the rights prophits emoluments hereditaments and appurtenances of in and to the saim or in anywise thereunto belonging or appertaining to the saim to the only proper use of him the said William F Thurp and his heirs or assigns forever and the said G W Rives as afoursaid for himself his heirs and administrators doth covenant and agree to and with the said William F Thorp his heirs and assigns that befour recited land he will warrant and forever defend unto him the said William F Thurp his heirs and assigns forever against the right title claim or demands of all and every other person or manner of persons whatever claiming the same in law or equity In testimony whereof the said G W Rives hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal this day and date above written
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of
J M LeathermanG W Rives (Seal)
D Leatherman

State of Tennessee Giles County Court February term 1835
Personally appeared in open court at said term George W Rives with him I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he executed the within deed for the purposes therein contained witness my hand at office the 3rd day of March 1835
German Lester clk


Giles County, Tennessee Deed Book L, p185 online scanned deed pages at FamilySearch