1835 Inventory of Notes and Accounts - Estate of John Reaves
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book Vol. 7 1834 - 1840
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Image 58An Inventory of the Notes & Accounts left by John Reaves dec'd taken 5 Jany 1835
One Note on Willis Hall principal $182.72 due 15th Nov. 1834
One ditto on Willis Hall " 164.2 7 due 19 Feby 1834
One ditto on Willis Hall " 200.00 due 2 March 1834
One ditto on James Evritt & Solomon Pope " 274.14 due 8 June 1834
One ditto on Evritt Simms Jacob Simms & Wm Bizzell $204.52 due 1st Jany 1835
One ditto on Thomas Kennedy prin 123.59 due 20 Jany 1834
One ditto on Britton Hoods " 100.00 due 10 Augt 1833
One ditto on Mathew & Pearce Brogden " 44.84 due 24 May 1834
One ditto on Leonard Grantham " 10.00 " 28 Oct 1834
One ditto on Micajah Cox " 13.00 " 19 Jany 1834
One ditto on Daniel Millender & Micajah Cox " 13.75 " 1 Septr 1834
One ditto on Thos. Brufford & Turnifold Manley " 6.75 " 1 Septr 1834
One ditto on Needham Davis & Turnifold Manly " 4.50 " 1 Septr 1834
One ditto on Jonas Dennisy & Benj'a Wilson " 9.00 " 1 Septr 1834
One ditto on Aria Baker & Ben'a Wilson " 9.00 " 1 Septr 1834
One ditto on James Everitt " 2.90 " 29 Dec 1834
One ditto on James Wood & Alfred King " 15.00" 5 May 1833
One ditto on H. B. Britt, Elizabeth Parker & Kinchen Britt 9.00 " 1 Septr 1834 dou't
One do. On Winniford Pipkin & James Holms $9. due 1st Septr 1834 doubtful
One Order on John E. Buton for 3 Barrels Corn at $4.50 per Barrel
One do. On the Wordeans of the County of Wayne from Milly Braddy $6
One due bill on Sam'l Corbet $1.50 due 21st Septr 1834 desperate
One do. on James Tadlock 2.90 due 27th Septr 1834
One Note on John Worrick & Thos. Moris $2.50 due 22nd May 1831 Desperate
One acct on Labin Benson $1 Desperate. One note on Blackman Strickland & Joel Herring pr'l $9 due 1st Septr 1834 One do. On Isaac Strickland & Joel Herring pr'l $18 due 1st Septr 1834 One do. on Zachariah Lee & James Lee pr'l $9 due 1st Sept'r 1834 One do. on Stephen Thompson & John Peacock pr'l $11.25 due 1st Setp'r 1834 One acct on Sam'l Wise $2 desperate One Note on Readin Hudson & Joel Hudson pr'l $6 .70 due 1st Sept'r 1934.
Balance due on __ viz John Killet Solomon Pope & Pearce Brogdon in Jas. Smith hands for Collection Supposed to be $6.05.
May Co. 1835 Edmund Reaves