Land Division of Estate of William Flowers - Sally Reaves Heir
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book
Vol. 7
1834 - 1840
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Image 68 - 69
Wayne County
North Carolina
The above plan represents the division of the land of William Flowers dec'd among the Several heirs as hereafter represents. Lot No. 1 Drawn by Sally Reaves Beginning at the run of Thunder Swamp at the mouth of the Calomas(?) Branch and runs up the run of said Branch to a water oak Black gum Maple and Holly near James Edwards thence S54 Et.146 pole to a Small pine thence S38 Wt.27 pole to a Sweet gum on the run of Thunder Swamp there down the run of said Swamp as it meanders to the Beginning Valued at $240 to pay $62 to Ally Flowers for Equality in distribution and to Benjamin Flowers $12 to Edy Denning(?) $4.
(Other persons receiving distributions were Benjamin Flowers, George Flowers, Polly Hollimon, John H. Flowers, Ann Bass, Edy Denning(?), Ally Flowers, Harrel Flowers, Rhody Bass)
Jany 31st 1835
Commissioners duly Sworn before D. Jones Senr
Me Gab'l Sherard James Griswold
Jesse Martin
John Cox
We the commissioners appointed by the Court do award that the Several Sums herein mentioned by paid for Equality in distribution Shall carry interest from the 31st Jany 1835.
James Griswold
Jesse Martin
John Cox
May Co. 1835