Ira Reeve Family Bible

Ira Reeve Family Bible

Ira Reeve Family Bible


The Family Bible of Ira Reeve and his wife Jane B. Coles in 1935 is in possession of their daughter Lillie Reeve Thompson of Elmer, New Jersey. The book was published in 1860 by William W. Harding of Philadelphia, Pa. On the fly leaf is written "Jane B. Reeve Book presented to her by her Grand Mother Jane Ballinger in the year 1859."
This copy of this record in it was copied by T. Chalkley Matlack, August 30, 1935.


Ira Reeve & Jane B. Coles were united in the bonds of Matrimony Oct. 7th A.D. 1858

Ira Reeve son of Joseph Reeve & Elizabeth his wife was borne April 16th A.D. 1837
Jane B. Coles Daughter of Uz Coles and Hannah his wife was borne August 7th A.D. 1837
Hannah B. Reeve Daughter of Ira Reeve and Jane his wife was borne January 2nd A.D. 1860
Anna Elizabeth Reeve Daughter of Ira Reeve and Jane his wife was borne October 11th A.D. 1861
Ellen Reeve Daughter of Ira Reeve and Jane his wife was born September 24th A.D. 1863
Isaac B. Reeve Son of Ira and Jane his wife was born October 11th A.D. 1864
Lavaretta Reeve, Daughter of Ira Reeve and Jane his wife was borne July 27th A.D. 1867
Hope Etta Reeve Daughter of Ira Reeve and Jane his wife was borne April 29th A.D. 1870
Walter Reeve Son of Ira Reeve and Jane his wife was born May 6th A.D. 1873
Lillie Reeve Daughter of Ira & Jane Reeve his wife was born September 16th A.D. 1874
Joseph C. Reeve Son of Ira Reeve and Jane his wife was born December 5th A.D. 1877

Walter Reeve departed this life the 24 day of November 1873 being 6 monts and 18 days old
Ira Reeve departed this life the 10th day of May 1894 being 57 years and 24 days old


FamilySearch - Bible records compiled by Timothy Chalkley Matlack