1837 Deed - Benjamin Reaves to Isham Reaves

1837 Deed - Benjamin Reaves to Isham Reaves

1837 Deed - Benjamin Reaves to Isham Reaves

Bedford Co., Tennessee
Deed Book GG, p1
6 Feb 1837


This Indenture made this sixth day of February one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven Between Benjamin Reaves of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee of the one part And Isham Reaves of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred and fifty dollars to me in hand paid by the said Isham Reaves the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath given granted bargained sold, delivered conveyed and confirmed to the said Isham Reaves his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County and State aforesaid, and on both sides of Duck River, Beginning at a black walnut and white oak William Newsoms south east corner Running West thirty 1/2 poles and a link to an ash and two box elders thence south crossing Duck Rover in all 209 1/2 poles to a stake thence East 30 1/2 poles and one link to a stake thence north crossing Duck Rover in all 209 1/2 poles to the Beginning containing by estimation forty acres, to have and to hold the aforesaid land and bargained premises unto him the said Isham Reaves his heirs and assigns forever, the said Benjamin Reaves himself his heirs executors and administrators and assigns for himself his heirs &c do warrant and forever defend the aforesaid land and bargained premises, unto the aforesaid Isham Reaves and clear from the claim or claims of all and every person or persons whatsoever claiming the same. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date above written
Benjamin (his R mark) Reaves (seal)
Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of
State of Tennessee       }
Bedford County            } Personally appeared before me William D Orr clerk of the County Court of said County, Benjamin Reaves the within named bargainor with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he executed the within deed for the purposes therein contained
Witness my hand at office this 6th day of February 1837William D Orr Clk


Bedford Co., Tennessee Deed Book GG, p1