1837 Deed - John Reeves, et al to John Taylor
Lancaster County SC
13 February 1837
Deed Book N p166
South Carolina }
Lancaster District } Know all men by these presents that we John Reeves Britain Blackmon & Joel Blackmon of the State and District aforesaid in consideration of the sum of Twenty Dollars to us in hand paid by John Taylor of the State & District aforesaid have granted bargained sold and released unto the said John Taylor our interest in a certain track of land Containing forty acres more or less being a part of a track of land that was surveyed for John Blackmon Senr & Daniel Blackmon it lying on a Branch of Bear Creek on the head of said branch by a spring known by the name of the Gum Spring beginning at a pine corner of James Reeves land thence an E corse on Benjamin Stogner’s land untill it comes to Britton Blackmon’s South to Dudley Hails land thence a S W corner on Hails line to James Reeves up Reeves line N W to the beginning pine supposed in the said boundary to contain Forty acres more or less together with all and singular the rights members hereditaments & appurtenances to the said track belonging or in anywise mentioned to have and to hold all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the said John Taylor and we the said John Reeves Britan Blackmon & Joel Blackmon do hereby bind ourselves our heirs, Executors, & Admrs. To warrant and forever defend against Ourselves Our heirs Executors and admrs and no other persons the before mentioned unto the said John Taylor his heirs and assigns against Ourselves Our heirs and assigns forever and no other, witness our hand & seal this 13th February 1837 - Signed Seaed & delivered in the presence of us
The witnesses signatures are on } all these signatures } John Reeves (his mark) John Reeves (LS)
an attached piece of paper } are on an attached ps} Brittan Blackmon (LS)
James Baskins } Of paper } Joel Blackmon (LS)
Elisha Garris }
South Carolina }
Lancaster District } Personally came Elisha Garris before me & made oath that he saw John Reeves, Brittan Blackmon & Joel Blackmon sign, seal and deliver the within deed for the use and purposes therein mentioned and that Jas Baskins together with himself in the presence of each other witnessed the same , Sworn to before me
22 Febry 1837 -
S Beckham Clk