1837 Deed - George W. Rives et al to James Carithers et al

1837 Deed - George W. Rives et al to James Carithers et al

1837 Deed - George W. Rives et al to James Carithers et al

Giles County, Tennessee
Deed Book N, p87
26 Sep 1837


George W. Rives & Elizabeth C. Rives }
To } Deed                                                   }
James Carithers & Gardner Harwell   }
This Indenture made and Entered into this 26th day of September Eighteen hundred and thirty seven between George W Reeves and his wife Elizabeth C. Reeves of the one part and James Carithers and Gardner Harwell of the other part all parties being of the County of Giles, and Lincoln and State of Tennessee. Now for and in consideration of the sum of fifteen hundred & twenty five dollars to us in hand paid y the said James Carithers and Gardner Harwell we have bargained, sold, and conveyed the following described tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and seventy six acres lying and being in the county of Giles and on Bradshaw creek so as to include the two lots of land falling to the said Reeves and his wife and John Smiths lott which was purchased by said Rives the two lots having descended to them from the Devision of the lands of Richard Smith Decd all of which is intended to cover the tract of land sold by Joseph Tucker, to said Richard Smith in his lifetime and also one other acre containing the gin seat, Beginning at a beech on the east bank of Bradhsaw Creek, running North eleven degrees east fifty six poles to a black oak, thence north four degrees east fifty poles to a beech, thence east thirteen degrees north seventy poles to a forked lyn, thence north ten poles to a large poplar, thence north forty five degrees east ninety four poles to a hickory, thence east six poles to two sugar trees Polks corner, thence south ninety two poles to a spanish oak, thence west twenty eight poles to an ask, thence south one hundred and eighty four poles to a stake, thence south forty six degree west about ten poles to Bradshaws creek, thence up said creek with its meanders to a sugartree on the west bank of said creek Richard Smiths corner, thence North twelve poles to a Beech on the bank of the creek, thence North seventy five Degrees west twelve poles to a beech, thence North crossing the creek to the Beginning, this being the bounds of the Tucker tract to Smith, the bounds of the one acre being consolidated with this in the Division of said lands is here not given but intended to comprehend the two lots as above stated, we bind ourselves our heirs executors &c to warrant and defend all other claims whatsoever claiming the same to the only proper use and behoof of these the said James Carithers and Gardner Howell. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the day and date above written.
G. W. Rives (Seal)
Elizabeth C (her mark) Rives (Seal)

State of Tennessee Giles County }
Personally appeared before me Edward D. Jones Clerk of the County court of said County, the within named George W. Rives with him I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he executed the within deed for the purposes therein contained and Elizabeth C. Rives the feme covert having also personally appeared before me privately and apart from her Husband the said George W. Rives, acknowledged the execution of said deed to have been done by her freely, voluntarily and understandingly without compulsion or restraint from her said Husband, and for the purposes therein expressed - Witness Edward D Jones clerk of said court at office this 26th day of September A D 1837
E D Jones Clerk


Giles County, Tennessee Deed Book N, p87 online scanned deed pages at FamilySearch