Petition to Divide Lands of George Reeves, Jr
Estate File of Jesse Reeves, Jr.
Ashe County, North Carolina
Fall Term 1838
State of North Carolina §
Ashe County § In Equity
To the Honourable the Judge of the Superior Court of Equity the petition of Alexander B. McMillan and his wife
another tract of 300 acres on Elk creek beginning on a double chesnut oak in a line of James Chipins survey south 240 poles to a chesnut on a ridge North 47° West 346 poles to a stake North 160 poles to a white oak Wm Poe’s former corner South 45° East 180 poles to white oak Jesse Reeves former corner South 75 East 112 poles to a white oak Chipens corner South 48° East along sd line to the beginning - another tract beginning at a red oak on the North side of a branch of Elk Creek runs South 45° East 100 poles to a chesnut then South 45° West 80 poles to a White oak North 45° West 100 poles to a stake then to the beginning - another tract of 50 acres adjoining the above tract o on the west side of Bunches Knob & to the top of Said knob being part of an entry made by Jesse Reeves adjoining James Cheshires line - also another tract of 60 acres conveyed by Saml Cox to George Reeves on Elk Creek beginning on the line of said Geo. Reeves decd land at the head of the icy branch runs down said branch to the north then a straight line to a gum on the other branch below Burtons House then Strait the others him (sic?) being a conditional line Said 60 acres lying between sd Cox & Poe’s land - another tract of 100 acres beginning on an agreed line at a branch adjoining land conveyed by Jno Maxwell running East to Spanish oak the beginning corner of a tract conveyed by Maxwell running South 60 poles to White Oak West 46 poles to White oak South 90 poles to Spanish Oak then West to the aforesaid agreed line then on the sd line to the beginning - Also 30 acres on New river on North side of sd. river & adjoining the Virginia line.
Also another tract of about 400 acres on the head waters of Elk Creek adjoining the other lands of Sd petitioners, lands of the heirs of William Hill and land of the heirs of William Evans & others - They further sheweth that Alexr. B. McMillan & his wife Mary in right of his said wife are entitled to an undivided interest of one sixth in sd lands. Hardin Cox & his wife Nancy in right of his sd wife to one sixth, Allen Gentry & his wife Rebecca in right of his sd wife to one sixth, Enoch Reeves & George Reeves each to one Sixth & Hardin Reeves, Geo. Reeves (son of Jesse), Joshua Reeves, Enoch Reeves (son of Jesse), Isham Reeves, Jane Reeves, David Reeves & Cynthia Reeves each to an interest in said lands of one forty eighth part - they further show that sd Lands could not be partitioned among your petitioners without prejudice to their interest in said lands - They therefore pray that this Honourable Court will order & decree by virtue of his power to that end that said lands be Sold by the Clerk & Master of this Court and that the monies arising from the sale of sd Lands be apportioned & divided among your petitioners according to their registration (?) rights - and your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray -
A. Mitchell - Sol
for petitioners -