1839 Will - Samuel Reeves

1839 Will - Samuel Reeves

1839 Will - Samuel Reeves


Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
Will Book 2, p424 (#1311)
Dated: 9 Jan 1839
Proved: 21 Mar 1839


Samuel Reeves's Will
In the name of God Amen I, Samuel Reeves of Rostraver township Westmoreland county and State of Pennsylvania being weak of body but of sound mind and memory and calling to mind that all men are born to dye doe make constitute this my last will & testament first I gave & bequeath soul to Almighty god who gave it and my body to be decently enterd at the descression of my executors.
Item I gav to my belovd wife Nancy the use of the one third part of my estate both real and personal after paying all my debts and funeral expenses during her Natural life.
Item I have given to my son William a hors saddle & bridle and four hundred Dollars in money I gave him ten Dollars more in full of his part alltogether
Item I gave to my daughter Mary Stiles one hundred dollars with a hors worth fifty dollars besides what she has recd.
Item I gave to my daughter Cassandra two hundred dollars besides what she has received.
Item I gave to my daughter Elizabeth besides what she has received three hundred Dollars. The other three namely Lucind Sarah Ann and Nancy each to have a (?) out of two hundred dollars and three hundred dollars each in cash and they shall each have my hous for a home as long as they may live single.
Item As I have given my sons Morgan & Harison a trade worth two hundred dollars the other three is to have each two hundred dollars in lue of a trade.
My personal property of every kind is to remain on the farm for the use of the family and scholling and raising the minar children.
And lastly after the death of my wife the land and personal estate is to be equally divided between the five younger sons as William has received his part in full the one half of the Apple Orchard on the Calhoon part of the farm viz the fruit trees as long as the trees may live belongs to my sons Harison & Samuel by purchase and to remain for there use while the trees may live further it is my will and desire that should any disputes arise about any of my estate that the parties shall chose disinterested men to sattle the same whose decision shall be final without any further apeal or litigation. And I do apoint my sons William, Harison & Samuel to be my executors of this my last will & Testament.
Samuel Reeves (Seal)
Signed Sealed pronounced in the presence of Manasseh Reeves John S Carnes James Stuart

Manasseh Reeves & John S Carnes testified that the foregoing will was executed on the 9th day of January AD 1839
Legally proved & approved this 21st day of March AD 1839 - same day recorded & Letters Testamentary issues to Harrison Reeves & Samuel Reeves (William Reeves having filed his declination) Acting executors Sworn Before
Jacob S. Stack Regr


FamilySearch - Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Will Book 2, p424 (#1311)