1839 Will - Lorenzo Reeves

1839 Will - Lorenzo Reeves

1839 Will - Lorenzo Reeves


Tioga County, New York
Will Book D, p283
Dated: 26 Jan 1839
Proved: 2 Mar 1839


In the name of God, Amen. I Lorenzo Reeves of Owego in the County of Tioga and State of New York: Being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in and form following (that is to say)
First it is my will, order and direction that my executors herein after named shall with all convenience as soon as consistent after my decease pay and discharge out of my effects my funeral expenses together with all such other debts and demands as remain against my at the time of my decease.
Secondly I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Maria all my property both real and personal of every description to use, occupy enjoy so long as she remains my widow to use and enjoy the same in such a way and manner as she my said wife in her wisdom may think best for the support maintenance and education of my infant children and when my said wife shall cease to remain my widow it is my will (should any of my property remain) that it be divided equally between my children or their heirs or assigns.
Whereas my real estate is situate in the village of Owego being what is called village property I do therefore hereby declare it to be my will and I do hereby authorize & empower my said executors hereinafter named to grant bargain sell and convey in trust for my said wife and children all or any part or piece of my said real estate at such time or times as they my said executors may deem in their judgment most advantageous and beneficial & for the interest of my said wife & children and the avails of such real estate when so sold or any part thereof I hereby authorize & direct my said executors hereinafter named to invest in such other real estate or stocks as they shall think most advantageous for my said wife and children and to be so invested in trust for and in behalf of them my said wife and children.
And lastly I do hereby appoint my wife Maria Reeves executrix and my friends William Platt, Esq. & David Wallis executors of this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking all others & former wills by me at any time heretofore made in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine.
Lorenzo Reeves LS

Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named Lorenzo Reeves to be his last and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names in the presence of the testator and in the presence of each other as witnesses to the same.
A. H. Calhoun Owega
Iand Huntington Owego
Henry Horeg Owego

Recorded March 2d 1839
Thos Farrington Surrogate


FamilySearch - Tioga County, New York Will Book D, p283