1840 Deed - Jesse Stansel to Asel Reaves

1840 Deed - Jesse Stansel to Asel Reaves

1840 Deed - Jesse Stansel to Asel Reaves


Pickens County, South Carolina
Deed Book G, p684
26 Feb 1840


Jesse Stansel
Asel Reaves

State of South Carolina }
Pickens District }
Know all men by these presents that I Jesse Stansel of the State and District aforesaid for and in consideration of one hundred and fifty dollars to me in hand paid by Acel Reaves of the State and District have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain sell and release unto the said Acel Reaves all that tract or parcel of land being and situated in the State and District aforesaid lying on both sides of Cove Creek branches of Easton and waters of Keowee River beginning on a white oak thence North 44 E 20 to a Mahogany thence North 80 E 30 to a stake thence south 40 E 30 to a stake thence South 75 W 64 to stake thence W 20 to a stake thence N 7 E 34 to a hickory thence South 60 E 20 to the beginning corner containing one hundred and ninety one acres it being more or less originally granted to Hugh Moor August 1791 Together with all and singular the rights members hereditaments appurtenances To have and to hold all and singular the premises unto the said Acel Reaves his heirs and assigns against myself and my heirs and assigns and against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof witness my hand and seal this 26th of February one thousand eight hundred and forty.
Witness Wm. J. Parsons A. StewartJesse (his x mark) Stansel (LS)

South Carolina }
Pickens District } Before me personally appeared W. J Parsons and made oath that he was present and did see Jesse Stansel sign seal and deliver the within deed for the use and purposes therein mentioned and that A. Stewart was a witness with himself to the same Sworn to before me 10. Dec. 1855 Thos J. Keith Deput clk.W. J. Parsons
Recorded 10 day of Decr 1855 and examined by W. L. Keith CC & R M CC


FamilySearch - Pickens County, South Carolina Deed Book G, p684