Wake Co., NC Deed - Nancy Caroline Reeves to Holloway

1840 Deed - Nancy Caroline Reeves to Holloway

Deed - Nancy Caroline Reeves to James Holloway

Wake County, North Carolina
Deed Book 14, Pg 246
10 Nov 1840


Nancy C. Reaves §
James Holloway §

This Indenture made and Indented this 10th day of November 1840 by and between Caroline Reaves (sic Reeves) of the County of Wake and State of North Carolina of the one part and James Holloway of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Caroline Reaves (sic Reeves) for an in consideration of the sum of Forty Dollars to her in hand paid hath given granted bargained sold aliened and confirmed and by force of these presents doth give grant, bargain, sell, alien and Confirm to the said James Holloway his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Wake and State aforesaid it being Lott No. 5 in the division amongst the Heirs of John Reaves (sic Reeves) Decd and bounded as follows, Beginning at a pine in Alford Alstons line the corner of No. 4 thence west 49 poles to a Stake in the dower line thence East 74 poles to A. Alstons line thence south 25° west to the beginning Containing Eighteen and ¾ acres and the undivided Share of the dower at the death of the Widow which is 8 acres and two acres which falls to my part of the dower Tract of the widow of Major Holloway. To have and to hold the aforesaid tracks or parcels of Land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to to him the said James Holloway, his heirs and assigns forever free and clear from the claim or or (sic?) Claims of all persons whatsoever. In Testimony of all which I hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date first above written Signed Sealed and delivered in presents of

Witness                                                                             Nancy C. Reaves (Seal)
Allen Nichols                      §
William P. Holloway Jr.   §

            The execution of the within Deed was duly proved by the Oath of William P. Holloway and Ordered to be Registered.
                                                                            A. Williams, C.C.

Registered in the Registers Office of Wake County in Book No. 14 and page 246 this the 19th day of January A.D. 1841.
                                                                            Richard Smith, Regr.


Wake County NC Deed Book 14, Pg 246, online scanned originals at Family Search

Contributors to this page: Beverly and system .
Page last modified on Monday 15 of June, 2020 07:50:59 CDT by Beverly.