1842 Will - Luther Reeve

1842 Will - Luther Reeve

1842 Will - Luther Reeve


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court
Will Liber 4, p33
Dated: 10 Jun 1842
Proved: 6 Aug 1842


I Luther Reeve of Southold in Suffolk County and State of New York do hereby make publish and declare my last will and testament as follows
I give and bequeath to my wife Elmira Reeve all my household furniture and all my provisions in the store for family - also I give my said wife the use of all my stock of cattle, horse and swine with all my farming utensils and pleasure waggon together with the use and improvement of all the farm whereon I now live and now occupy (except the house and lot which I bought of William Edwards) during her natural life
Second I give to my daughter Mary Reeve the sum of three thousand dollars - and I also give and devise to my said daughter Mary the woodland which I bought of Anson Reeve, and to theirs of my said daughter Mary
Third - All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate both real and personal, I give, bequeath and devise unto my son Thomas Reeve and to his heirs forever
Lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my said wife Elmyra executrix and my friend executor of this my last will - I mean my friend Henry Pike - And I hereby further appoint my friend Anson Reeve a Guardian of my said son Thomas Reeve - Signed and sealed this tenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and forty two 1842
Luther (his x mark) Reeve
Signed sealed published and declared as the }
last will and testament of the testator in }
the presence of us who at his request have }
hereunto subscribed our names as wit- }

Witness Clark Wright Franklinvill LI
James W Reeve Suffolk County New York


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court Will Liber 4, p33