1844 Deed - Robert B. McCord to Frederick Reeves
Walton County, Georgia
Deed Book D, p. 546
13 Jan 1844
Walton County
This Indenture made and entered into this the thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred & forty four between Robert McChord of the County & State aforesaid of the one part and Frederick Reeves of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth for and in Consideration of the sum of One hundred ad forty four dollars hand paid by said Reeves, have granted, bargained, sold and do by these presents grant, bargain & sell unto said Reeves, the following parcel of land which belongs to the lot whereon Isham Sims formerly lived, which lies on the west side of the Beaver dam Creek, Containing Twenty acres more or less.
To have and to hold the above bargained premises unto the said Frederick Reeves his heirs and assigns clear from the claims of myself, my heirs & assigns, & clear from the claims of all & every other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming the same & I the said Robert will forever warrant & defend the titles thereof forever.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal day and year above written.
R. B. McCord
In presence of
William A. Lowe
Elisha Watson J.P.
Recorded Feby 5th 1896
John T. Robertson