Inventory & Appraisement - George Reeves Estate
Fleming County, Kentucky
Will Records Vol. G, p. 474-475
23 Mar 1844
A true and just Inventory and appraisement of the following personal property of George Reaves deceased which was produced to us by John G. Sticks his administrator
5 Corner Cupboards $7.00 Each 35.00 4 Bureaus 6.00 Each 24.00 9 Breakfast tables 3.00 Each 27.00 4 Fancy Bedsteads 4.00 Each 16.00 $102.00
I do certify that the foregoing Inventory contains all the furniture due and payable to George Reaves decd. from Benjamin Rolph. On an obligation Said Reaves decd. held against Said Rolph to be discharged in furniture at the Shop price. Said note was due 1st. Apl. 1843 and called for Two hundred dollars in furniture at the shop price ~
March 23d 1844 J. G. Sticks administrator
of George Reaves decd.
We do certify that the foregoing appraisement was truly and Justly made of the above named articles of Furniture of George Reaves decd. Which was produced to us by John G. Sticks his administrator to the best of our Judgement all of which we respectfully report to the Fleming County Court.
Given under our hands this 23d. day of March 1844
H. W. Hinton
Daniel Ficklen Jr.
At a Court held for Fleming County on the 22d. day of April 1844. This Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of George Reeves decd. was produced in Court. Examined and ordered to be recorded Which is done.
W. T. Dudley Clk