1845 Deed - John Reeves to Uriah Williams

1845 Deed - John Reeves to Uriah Williams

1845 Deed - John Reeves to Uriah Williams

Lancaster County SC
18 January 1845
Deed Book P p101-102

John Reeves                    } Deed
        To                              } for 125 acres of
Uriah Williams               } Land more or less

South Carolina
Lancaster District
Know all men by these presents that I John Reeves of the State and District aforesaid in consideration of five hundred Dollars to me in hand paid by Uriah Williams of the State and District aforesaid have bargained and sold and do bargain, sell, and forever relinquish unto the said Uriah Williams his heirs, Executors, Administrators, and assigns a certain tract of land situate on Little Lynches Creek Containing one hundred and Twenty five acres more or less beginning at A not corner thence a strate line west corner to the willow corner on the creek at the widow Castons mill thence down said Creek to the Mouth of the beacon branch thence corner up said branch to the Reaves line thence along said line to the pine not the beginning. To have and to hold all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereunto mentioned and I do hereby warrant forever defend myself, my heirs, Executors, or Administrators or assigns or any other person to have or to hold any lawful claim there on whereunto as witness my hand and seal _ in the presence of us this January 18th 1845
W. W. Fortenbury         }John Reaves (LS)
Wm. H. Roberts            }

South Carolina             }
Lancaster District        } I James Williams Magistrate in Said District do hereby certify unto all to whom it may concern that the wife of the within named John Reaves did this day appear before me and upon being privately and separately Examined before me did declare that she did freely and voluntarily without any compulsion dread or fear of any person or persons whomsoever renounce, release, and forever relinquish unto the within named Uriah Williams his heirs and assigns, all her interest and Estate and also all her right and claim of dower of in and to all and singular the premises within named and Release. Given under my hand and seal this 22nd of April 1845
James Williams            }Elizabeth (her mark) Reaves
Magistrate                     }

South Carolina             }
Lancaster District        } Personally appeared W. W. Fortinbury and being duly sworn saith on oath that he was present and did see John Reaves Sign, Seal, and Deliver the within Deed to Uriah Williams for the use, intents, and purposes within mentioned and also did see William H. Roberts sign his name with himself to the same as witness. Sworn before me April 23rd 1845
James Williams            }W. W. Fortinbury
Magistrate                     }