1848 Will - Charlotte Augusta Matilda Overton

1848 Will - Charlotte Augusta Matilda Overton

1848 Will - Charlotte Augusta Matilda Overton


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court
Will Liber 4, p757
Dated: 11 Dec 1848
Proved: 7 Mar 1849


I Charlotte Augusta Matilda Overton of the town of Riverhead County of Suffolk and State of New York do make this my last will and testament as follows viz.
First I give and bequeath to Franklinville Parish the sum of five hundred dollars to be applyed to the building of a steeple or bellfry and to purchaise of a bell and clock and also for windry blinds to their meeting house: if five is not sufficient I give six hundred dollars.
Second I give and bequeath to Laurens and James Reeve equally a lot in Dririser's? St New York No 121.
Third I give and bequeath to Mehetable Y. Luce all of the property that I purchaised of the assignesses of Nathaniel Luce to her heirs and assigns forever. Also my Franklin stove and cooking stove and also my mahogany table and stand and corners cupboard and windery blinds in my front room and six fancy chairs in my front room and also six coffee silver spoons and six silver tea spoons and my bed belonging in the middle room.
Fourth I give and bequeath to Augusta Reave Luce and Augusta Horton my two best beds and bed clothes for the two beds and curtains equally
Fifth I give to Phebe Herts twenty years of carpet belonging to the middle room and also eight yellow chairs which belong in my middle room and the looking glass in the middle room and the bed upstairs
Sixth I give and bequeath to Mary N. Luce my best table cloth one pair linen shetts one pair of linen pillow cases one white bed quilt.
Seventh I give to Deborah Terry my best Bumbazire dress my tuscan hat and laso one double gown
Eight I give to Eunice Brown my Gingham Dress also my Blackvelvet hat
Ninth I give and bequeath to Mahetable Y Luce all my warring aparel that is not already given
Tenth I give all the rest residue and remainder of my household furniture to Mahetable Y. Luce
Eleventh I give all the rest residue and remainder of my money to the Bible Society
Lastly I do hereby appoint Clark Wright and Vincent Jones Clark executors to this my last will and testament to execute the same according to the true intent and meaning thereof ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testamony.
In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal the eleventh day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty eight.
C. A. M. Overton (LS)
Signed and Sealed by the testatrix
Charlotte A. M. Overton in the presence
of us who have subscribed our names
as witnesses at her request and in the
presence of each other
Jabez Corwin
Phebe A. Wines


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court Will Liber 4, p757