1850 Will - Mary Rives
Chester County, South Carolina
Will Book 1840-1865, p128
14 Mar 1850
In the name of God AmenI Mary Rives of the State of South Carolina and District of Chester being of sound and disposing mind and memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of life do make and ordain this my last will and Testament. In manner and form following that is to say. First I allow all my lawful debts to be paid. Secondly I allow all my property as well real as Personal to be sold immediately after my death and after my debts is paid the remainder of the money arising from said sail to be equally divided among my heirs that is to say Matilda R. S. R. Kee Lucy C Culp, Cadd Rieves and the heirs of Martha R. White share and share alike that is to say Matilda R. S. R. Kee one fourth Lucy C. Culp one fourth, Cadd Rieves one fourth the heirs of Martha R. White one fourth. And their part are to remain in the hands of the undernamed Executors until they arrive at the age of twenty one. Also I want the profits of my interest in the Rail Road divided in the same manner. The property alluded to to be sold is that portion of my property that I possess or may hereafter possess of whatsoever sort or quality it may be that is to say that portion of property which did I did not receive by the Executors of John Rieves decd by husband which was a bequest to me during my natural life. Also I now renounce and revoke all former wills by me at any time made.
Lastly I nominate and appoint Henry J Culp and Cephas J Kee my Executors to this my last Will and Testament. Whereupon I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 14th day of March AD 1850
In presence of }Mary (her mark) Rives
Henry Lee }
James S Armstrong }
James Lee }
South Carolina }
Chester District } In the court of Ordinary
Personally appeared James Lee in open court who being duly sworn saith upon oath that he was present and saw Mary Rieves sign the within paper as her last will and Testament and she was then of sound and disposing mind and memory according to deponents knowledge and beliefs that Henry Lee and James S Armstrong with the deponent In the presence of each other and in the presence of the Testatrix & at her request did sign their names as witnesses
Sworn May 28th 1855 }James Lee
James McDaniel }
Henry J Culp and Cephas J Lee appeared and was qualified as Executors
May 28th 1855J McDaniel ord.