1851 Census - Piece 1652, Folio 353 reverse
Living in the village and parish of Boxgrove, Sussex, the household of James Reeves ... ...Transcript or Summary
Rel Cond Age Occupation Where Born James Reeves Head Mar 48 Agricultural Labourer Boxgrove, Sussex Phoebe Reeves Wife Mar 48 Bosham, Sussex Emily Reeves Dau Unm 6 Scholar Boxgrove, Sussex Edmund Reeves Lodger Unm 21 Agricultural Labourer Tangmere, Sussex Henry Scoot Lodger Unm 19 Smith Boxgrove, Sussex
Whilst Edmund Reeves is recorded as a Lodger, it is believed that he is actually the nephew of James Reeves, the head of household.Although enumerated as SCOOT, it is suspect this is Henry SCOTT. There is no known family connection.