1851 Census - HO107, Piece 1582, Folio ??? reverse
Residing at 300 Albany Road in the Parish of St Georges, Camberwell, Surrey ....Transcript or Summary
Rel Cond Age Occupation Where Born Anna M Roberts Head Widow 51 Fundholder Holland Eliza Roberts Dau Unmar 20 Devonshire
The top margin of this and adjacent pages has not scanned well and the Folio Number has not been ascertained. The Page Number has been calculated by counting from the start of the enumeration book. Odd numbered pages are typically on the folio face, so this even numbered page is likely on the reverse.There is little doubt this is Anna Maria Reeves (nee BOEREE) and her daughter Eliza Reeves. See Anna's page for a discussion of their use of the Roberts surname.