1851 Census - Piece 1669, Folio 262 reverse
Residing at 2 Longcroft Street (Squibb Building) the St Mary's area of Southampton, the household of Samuel Reeves ....Transcript or Summary
Rel Cond Age Occupation Where Born Samuel Reeves Head Mar 26 Coal Runner Southampton, Hamapshire Mary Reeves Wife Mar 25 Eling, Hamapshires Edward Reeves Son 11 months Southampton, Hampshire Henry Harrison Lodger Mar 36 Railway Labourer Eling, Hampshire Charles Barnes Lodger Unm 27 Coal Runner Wareham, Dorset Edward Reeves Lodger Unm 19 Coal Runner Southampton, Hampshire
Mary's maiden name was Harrison and it is highly probable that Henry Harrison is her brother.The occupation "Coal Runner" might also be read as "Coal Burner"; the town gas works were near by.