1851 Census - Piece 1669, Folio 276 reverse
Residing at 96 Bevis (sic, Bevois) Street in the St Mary's area of Southampton, the household of John Riddett ....
Transcript or Summary
Rel Cond Age Occupation Where Born
John Riddett Head Mar 62 Ship Wright Isle of Wight
Charlotte Riddett Wife Mar 60 House Keeper Isle of Wight
James Reeves Son-in-law
Mar 29 Labourer Southampton, Hampshire
Caroline Reeves Dau Mar 25 Southampton, Hampshire
John J Reeves Son 6 Southampton, Hampshire
Caroline Reeves Dau 2 Southampton, Hampshire
Charlotte Reeves Dau 6m Southampton, Hampshire
1851 Census - HO107, Piece 1669, Folio 276 reverse, Page 17