1851 Census - HO107, Piece 1670, Folio 285 reverse
Residing at West End (the ecclessiastical district of St James) in the parish of South Stoneham, Hampshire, the household of Levi Reeves ...
Transcript or Summary
Rel Cond Age Occupation Where Born
Levi Reeves Head Mar 45 Railway Labourer Bishop Stoke, Hants
Charlotte Reeves Wife Mar 40 South Stoneham, Hants
Jane Reeves Dau 13 Scholar South Stoneham, Hants
Absolom Reeves Son 10 Scholar South Stoneham, Hants
Miriam Reeves Dau 8 Scholar South Stoneham, Hants
Hiram Reeves Son 4 Scholar South Stoneham, Hants
Eliza Reeves Dau 1 South Stoneham, Hants
John Reeves - Widr 76 Retired Labourer Bishop Stoke, Hants
Although John's relationship to Levi is not stated on the enumeration return, it is highly probable
this John is his father.
1851 Census - HO107, Piece 1670, Folio 285 reverse, Page 21