1851 Will - Daniel Reeve
Essex County, New JerseyWill Records 14410G
30 Jul 1851
In the name of God Amen, I Daniel Reve of the Township of Livingston In the County of Essex and state of New Jersey being weak in body, but of sound mind memory and understanding, for which blessing I most devoutedly thank my God. Do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say, first it is my will and I do order that all my just debts and funeral expenses duly paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently can be after my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Reeve in addition to her right of dower the use of all my house hold good and furniture during her widowhood, Item I do Give and bequeath unto my son Edmun A Reeve all my real estate consisting of one hundred and ten acres be the same more or less subject to his mothers thirds and the debts and the following legaces which he is required to pay to my Daughter Electa M. Reeve one hundred and fifty Dollars to be paid to her in two years after my decease without interest but in case my Daughter Electa M Reeve shall die without heirs then and in that case her said legacy to go to my son Edmand A Reeve or his heirs if any he may have, after his decease. Item It is my will and I do order that in case my son Edmun A Reeve should die without legal heirs his portion of my property remaining after the debts are paid shall go to my Daughter Electa or to her heirs after her death. Item I do give and bequeath unto my sick Daughter Sarah A. Reeve in case she shall or may get well and able to provide for her self, one hundred dollars to be paid to her as soon as she may need it but in case she remain sick it is my will and I do order that she be supported and provided for by my son Edmun A Reeve, I do further own and direct that my said wife shall have in addition to what I have given her in this will and for the same time one cow. Item It is my will that after my wife death all she property hereby given to my wife shall be equally devided between my surviving children, except my son Stephen D Reeve who now resides in the state of New York.Item I do Give and Bequeath to my said son Stephen D Reeve the sum of ten dollars to be paid to him in one year after my death and in case he shall be dead to his children.
Daniel Reeve
Lastly I hereby appoint my son Edmun A Reeve and my friend Samuel ... Executor this my Last will and Testament
Signed Sealed published and declared
by the said Daniel Reeve to be his
Testament and Last will this 30th
day July AD 1851 in the presence of us
D D T Neflelle?
John Emmons
William Emmons