1852 Deed - John Reeves to Nathaniel Gay
Lancaster County SC
13 December 1852
Deed Book D p266
John Reeves }
To } Deed of Conveyance
Nathaniel Gay }
South Carolina }
Lancaster District }
Know all men by these Presents that I John Reeves of the State and District aforesaid in consideration of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, to me in hand paid by Nathaniel Gay of the State and District aforesd have bargained sold and do by these presents, bargain, sell and forever relinquish unto the sd Nathaniel Gay, a certain tract of land situate on the south side of Little Lynches Creek, containing Two hundred acres more or less, beginning on a ash corner near the bank of the Creek, thence west course-straight line to a stake corner near the Camden Road thence west, straight line to a white oak corner near a little branch continuing to the old line called the Brewer line thence South east along sd line to a poplar corner on a branch, close to John Brewer Gold mine, thence down said branch to the Creek, thence up the Creek to the beginning corner.
To have and to hold all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereunto mentioned and I do hereby warrant and forever defend myself, my heirs, executors, administrators or assigns or any other person to have or to hold any lawful claim thereon whereunto
I have set my hand and seal this December the 13 1852
Test. Uriah Williams }John Brewer (LS)
A. Broom }John Reeves (LS)
State of South Carolina }
Lancaster District } Personally came Uriah Williams before me and says on his oath that he was present and saw John Reeves sign seal and deliver the within Deed to Nathaniel Gay for the use and purposes therein mentioned and also says that he sw A. Broom sign with himself as witness to the same.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this April the 30 1853
J. R. Welsh }Uriah Williams
Magst }
South Carolina }
Lancaster District } I John R. Welsh one of the Magistrates for Lancaster Dist do hereby certify unto all whom it may concern that Elizabeth (blank) the wife of the within named John Reeves did this day appear before me and after being privately and separately examined by me did declare that he does freely and voluntarily, without any compulsion, dread or fear of any person or persons whomsoever, renounce, release, & forever relinquish unto the within named N. Gay his heirs and assigns, all her right & claim of Dower, of in or to all and singular the premises within released.
Given under my hand & seal this December the 31 1852
John R. Welsh }Elizabeth (her mark) Reeves (seal)
Magst }