Guardian Bond - Children of Wiley Reeves
Marshall County, Alabama
Estate File of Francis Louisa Reeves
15 Jan 1853
Know all men by these presents that we Elijah Garrett, Isaac Whorton and Nathan Long all of the County of Marshall in the state of Alabama are held and firmly bound unto Montgomery Gilbreath Judge of Probate of said County in the penal sum of Eighteen hundred dollars for the time payment of which one and each of us bind ourselves our and each of us our heirs jointly severally and firmly by these presents, witness our hands and seals this the 15th day of January 1853,
The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Elijah Garrett has been duly appointed guardian of the Estates of Mary Jane (page torn) Martha Rieves (sic) and Francis Louisa Rieves (page torn) children of Wiley Rieves deceased, Now if (page torn) bound Elijah Garrett shall faithfully (page torn) all the duties required of him by law as (page torn) Guardian during the time he acts as such then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect.
Elijah Garrett (seal)
Isaac Whorton (Seal)
Nathan (his x mark) Long (Seal)
Rebecca M. Whorton
The above bound is this the 15th day of January (torn)53 approved by me.
M. Gilbreath Judge
of Probate