Greene County, Tennessee Court Minutes 1854-1858

Greene County, Tennessee Court Minutes 1854-1858

Greene County, Tennessee Court Minutes 1854-1858


Greene County, Tennessee
Court Minutes 1854-1858


7 Aug 1854
Anna Reeve & Josiah Harrison            }
Exrs of the Last Will & Testament of  } Petition to sell land to lay debts
Samuel Reeve decd                                 }
           vs                                                     }
the heirs at law of Samuel Reeve ded }
In this case the Report of executors of the sale of the land was made and upon consideration the Court is pleased to set aside said report and order that the executors proceed to advertise and sell the same again as directed in the former decree and report thereof to the next or any subsequent term of this Court

Josiah Harrison & Ann Reeve          }
Executors of the Last Will and         }
Testament of Samuel Reeve decd    }
               vs                                             }
Thomas Reeves & others                   }
This cause came on to be further heard before the Worshipful County Court on this 7th day of November 1854 upon the report of sale by the said executor & executrix, which report being unexcepted to i? in all things confirmed, and is in the words and figures following to wit:
Report of Anna Reeve and Josiah Harrison, Exectrix and Executor of the last Will and Testament of Samuel Reeve decd. Beg leave to make the following report, that they in obedience to the order and decree heretofore pronounced in this cause, did on the 7th day of October 1854 after advertising said tract of land forty days as by said order & decree they were directed, proceeded on said 7th day of October 1854 on the premises where said land lays, sell the same, & whereupon one Doreglass Fillers being the highest best & last bidder 29 3/4 acres, was knocked off to him at and for the sum of $4.30 per acre amounting in all to the sum of $125.00 one half of the purchase money being paid in advance and the other half in six months.
All of which is most respectfully submitted to the worshipful court.
Josiah Harrison
Anna Reeves Exr.

The worshipful Court is therefore pleased to order, adjudge & decree that the title to the 29 3/43 acres of land be and the same is hereby dirvested out of the heirs at law and legal representatives & dvisees of the said Samuel Reeves decd viz. Thomas Reeve and Samuel Reeve and Catherine Reeve and Margaret Reeves their heirs & assigns forever, and that the title to the same be vested in Douglass Filler his heirs forever.
The Court is further pleased to order adjudge and decree that a lien be retained upon said land until the purchase money be fully paid, and that in the mean time the sold 29 3/43 acres of land sold as aforesaid be surveyed and laid off to the said Douglass Fillers and that a plat and certificate be returned by the said Josiah Harrison & Anna Reeves before the coming in of the final decree.

To Sarah Reeves one of the poor to be paid John Harmen and by him expended for her support the ensuing year fifteen dollars

5 Nov 1855
The last Will and Testament of Sarah Reeve, deceased, was produced in Court for probate, with Jesse S. Reeve and Charles S Earnest subscribing witnesses thereto, by whom the same was duly proven, and the Court thereupon ordered that said Will be recorded - And there being no executor appointed therein - On motion of Jesse S Reeve who entered into Bond with George W Reeve, his security approved by the Court in the sum of Four hundred dollars, payable and with condition as the law directs, administration with the will annexed, is granted him on the estate of the said Sarah Reeve, decd and he having taken an oath to execute said Will, the Court ordered that Letters issue to him accordingly.


FamilySearch - Greene County, Tennessee Court Minutes 1854-1858