1855 Deed - Michael & John Wilford Reeves to A. J. Whipps
Mason County, KentuckyDeed Book 63, p533
23 Mar 1855
This Indenture made the 23d March in the year of our Lord 1855 between Michael and John Wilford Reeves of 1st part and A J Whipps of second part witnesses that the said Michael and John Wilfred Reeves of 1st part for and in consideration of the sum of Eight Hundred and fifty dollars to them in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledge hath and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell alien convey and confirm unto the said A J. Whipps his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land situate in the County of Mason in the State of Kentucky lying on the Road leading from Germantown to Stiles Mill and bounded as follows to (wit) Beginning at a stone S. E. corner of Dr Coburn the Beginning corner of the above described tract and running thence S 89' E fifty six poles and ten links to a stone corner to Samuel Lloyd thence with his line in centre of said Road N 17 E seventy and a half poles to a stone also corner to Lloyd in Whipps line thence with his line N 73' E seventy and a half poles to a stone also corner to Lloyd in Whipps line thence with his line N 73 W Eighty two poles and a 5 links to a stone in said Coburn's line and thence with his line S 1 1/4 E Ninety-poles and 18 links to the Beginning Containing 33 acres 3 roods and 12 poles to have and to hold to him the said Whipps and his heirs and assigns forever the above tract or parcel of land above described and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances & hereditaments thereunto belonging free from the lett hindrance or molestation of the said Michael and John Wilfred Reeves their heirs &c and to the only proper use benefit and behoof of the said Whipps his heirs and assigns forever and the said Michael and John Wilfred Reeves them and their heirs and assigns &c doth hereby warrant and agree to warrant the title of the premises hereby conveyed unto the said Whipps his heirs and assigns forever defend the same against the claim or claims of themselves their heirs and of all and every other person or persons whomsoever in testimony whereof they the said Michael and John Wilford Reeves have hereunto set their hands and seals this 23rd day as above writtenMichael Reeves (seal)
John W. Reeves (seal)
Wilford (his x mark) Monahon }
State of Kentucky Mason County...
I Robert A Cochran Clerk of the County Court of the County aforesaid do hereby certify that the foregoing deed of conveyance from Michael and John W. Reeves to Andrew J. Whipps was this day produced to me and acknowledged by said Michael & John W. Reeves to be their act and deed whereupon the same hath been duly admitted to record in my office.
Given under my hand this 28th day of March 1855
Robt A. Cochran