1857 Will - Nathan A. Reeve

1857 Will - Nathan A. Reeve

1857 Will - Nathan A. Reeve


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court
Will Liber 6, p207
Dated: 20 May 1857
Proved: 6 Jun 1857


Suffolk County SS Be it known that at a Surrogate's Court held at the Surrogate's office in the Town of Riverhead in the said County the last will and Testament of Nathan A. Reeve decd late of the town of Riverhead in the said County was duly proved before the said Surrogate as a valid will of real and personal estate, which said will and proof are as follows

I Nathan A. Reeves of the town of Riverhead County of Suffolk and State of New York do make and publish this my last will and testament in maner and form following first I give and order my afternamed executors the right, power and authority to divide all my real and personal estate that my father left me in company with my brother Frances H. and also to pay all legacies order to be paid by me also all my just debts and funeral charges.
Second I give and devise unto my brother John A. his heirs and assigns forever all my real and personal property of every description.
Thirdly I order my brother John A. to pay unto my mother Abigal my brother Frances H. my sister Hannah E. Fanning and my sister Mary Ann the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to each of them to be paid six months from my decease.
Lastly I make nominate constitute and appoint my friend James Y. Downs and my uncle Joseph Wells executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former will by me made.
In testimony whereof I have sealed and signed and subscribed this twentyeth day of May one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven.
Nathan A. Reeve LS
In the presence of us who at his request we }
have subscribed our names as witness in }
the presence of each other
Mitchael Terry of the Townd of Riverhead
George O. Luce of the Townd of Riverhead


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court Will Liber 6, p207