1857 Will - F. J. Reeves
Monroe County, Georgia
Will Book B, p237
10 Nov 1857
Georgia }Monroe County }
In the name of God Amen
I F. J. Reeves of said County knowing that death is the common lot of all man kind and being greatly afflicted in body deem it to be my imperitive duty to heed the heavenly mandate To be yea also ready therefore deem it right and proper to make distribution of my effects with which a kind providence has blessed making this my last will and testament truly revoking all others heretofore at any time made by me. My soul I trust will return to rest with god who gave it as I truest for life and salvation through the blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ and sinners friend - whose religion I full to realise in my own bosom and is (?) to my soul and life's (?) ease to things above where my blesses Jesus is.
Item 1st. I give and direct that my body be buried in a Christian and decent like manner.
Item 2nd. I direct that all my just debts be paid as soon as practicable by my executors herein after named as unwilling that they should be delaid of their rights.
Item 3thd. I bequeath to my brother Benj. F. Reeves and my half brother David J. Porch and my two sisters (viz) Mary E. Darden wife of John Darden and Rebecca A. Askins wife of Franklin Askins the following named property that is to say four hundred acres of land lying and being in the second district in Monroe County Georgia and the same being bounded on the east by lands of Tennel Bagget on the south by lands of John Thurman on the west by lands of Jackson Bush and north by lands of Wm Mabry. Also a Negro boy by the name of Eli about sixteen years of age and Peter a Negro man about twenty three years of age which property I direct to be equally divided among them.
Item 4th. I bequeath to my cousin Andrew J. Smith my roan Horse.
Item 5th. I direct that the remaining fortune of my property of what ever description after paying my just debts if any left to be equally divided among my brothers and sisters as mentioned in the third Item of this my last will and testament.
Item 6th. I appoint my worthy and trusty brothers Benj F. Reeves and David J. Porch my executors to execute this my last will and testament whereof I now say Amen.
Given under my hand and seal this 10th day of November 1857
Signed Sealed published and declared by Jos. F. Reeves the testator to be his last will and Testament & sign in the presence of us
the subscribers in the presence of the Testator and the presence of each other This November 10th 1857.
Raco H. Button
A. J. Hanau
E. Dumas
Georgia }
Monroe County } Personally appeared in open court David J. Porch and Benj. F. Reeves Executors of the last will and Testament of F. J. Reeves deceased and produced the will of said Deceased in open court and J. H. Butten and Edmond Dumas subscribing witnesses to said will who being duly sworn depose and say that they saw said deceased sign seal publish and declare this instrument presented as his last will and testament fully voluntarily and of his own accord and without any influence or compulsion whatever that signed same in his presence as witnesses and at his special instance and request and that at the execution of said will said Testator was of sound disposing mind and memory and that they saw A. J. Howard as witness in presence of Testator and at his request
Sworn to and subscribed in open court
December 7th 1857
John T ? }Edmond Dumas
Ordinay }Isaac H. Butten