1861 Will - Benjamin Rives
Lawrence County, ArkansasProbate Court Records
Estate of Benjamin Rives
Will of Benjamin Rives decdApproved January ten 1862
Gerge MGhehey Judge
Filed Janry 6th 1862
A Lowe Clrk
In the name of God Amen
I Benjamin Rives of the County of Lawrence and State of Arkansas being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of life, do therefore make ordain publish and declare this to be my last will and testament, that is to say
First after all my just and lawful debts are paid and discharged the residue of my estate real and personal I give bequeath and dispose of as follows, to wit.
To my son Wm. A. Rives the south half of the north west quarter of section (26) twenty six township fifteen N range one west.
To my son Thomas T Rives the north east fourth of the N. W. quarter above named.
To my son Richard G. Rives the N W fourth of the N. W. quarter before mentioned all being the quarter section on which I now live.
The Moch of Hogs cattle and horses are first to be equally divided between Wm. A. Rives and myself except one yoke of oxen, my portion of the stock oxen waggons farming utensils hold and kitchen furtniture I desire to be sold and the proceeds after paying my just debts to be equally divided between all of my Heirs, to wit Rebecca A. & Chas H. Robt H & Benja S - Thos T - Richd G. - Marth P - Francis A - Wm A. and Eliza A. to be equally divided among them share and share alike.
Likewise I make constitute and appoint my said sons Thos T. and William A. Rives to be executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal the fifth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty one.
WitnessBenjamin Rives (Seal)
Matthew Allen
O H Hargrove
State of Arkansas }
County of Lawrence } SS
Before me A. Lowe clerk of the Circuit court and Ex officer clerk of the court of Probate in and for said County on the 6th day of January AD 1862 came Mathew Allen and O. H. Hargrove and were sworn, and on oath they say that Benjamin Rives the testator in the foregoing will, signed his name to the said will as his last will and testament, that he, at the time of so signing the same, declared it to be his last will and testament, that he requested the said deponents to sign the same as witness thereto, which they did in his presence, and these deponents say that they saw the said testator sign the said will, and they say that all this was done on the 5th day of December AD 1861 in Lawrence County Arkansas.
M AllenO H Hargrove
State of Arkansas }
County of Lawrence }
J. A. Lowe Clerk of the circuit court of Probate in and for the county and state aforesaid do hereby certify that Mathew Allen and O. H. Hargrove each subscribed and were duly sworn to the foregoing affidavit in my presence on this the 6th day of January AD 1862.
Witness my hand and the seal of my office this the date first above written
A. Lowe clerk