Will of James Reeves
McCracken County, Kentucky
Written 7 Sep 1873
Recorded 16 Feb 1874
Will Book B, p. 83
In the name of God Amen. Know all men by these presents that I James R. Reeves of the County of McCracken State of Kentucky being in bad health but sound o mind and memory do make and ordain the following as my last Will and Testament.
1st I will and desire that after my death all of my Just debts be paid out of my Estate.
2nd I will and desire all of my property to be equally divided between my three children Via: Joseph H. Reeves, Elizabeth E. Reeves and Ida Reeves with the following provisions Viz: my daughter Elizabeth E. Reeves has been afflicted from infancy, and doubtless will so remain during life therefore before any division of my estate I wish a sufficient quantity of my property to be set aside to provide for her in her affliction during life, then the remainder to be equally divided between the three children above named.
3rd my property Consists principally of Land and my Will and desire is that so much land as may fall to each one of my children shall be theirs during their natural life but that neither one of them shall have the power to sell or make a title to the same, but such land shall descend to their children unincumbered.
4 I hereby Constitute my wife Hannah J. Reeves my sole and only Executrix to take charge of and wind up all of my business, and that she shall thus act without executing any Bond to the County Court for the faithful performance of the same, and further more I desire her to sell any portion or all of my land situated in McCracken County and invest the money in Land in adjacent Counties or where she may deem best for the interest of my children where there is no Rail and Tax to pay, and such land so purchased shall be deeded to her for the use of my children when they arrive to the age of Twenty one years.
5th In case that my wife should die during the minority of my Children then I desire my effects and the Case of my children to fall into the hands of my neighbour and relative Wm. Black Sr. and further more I constitute said Wm. Black advisor to my wife in all of her business Transactions in the winding up and Settling of my worldly affairs.
6th To my ward Mary Belle Thomas I desire that my wife give her a Cow and Calf, a bed bedstead & bedding when she shall marry, and in Case said Mary B. Thomas should remain Single for five years hence and Shall Continue to live with my wife and Children as one of the family then I desire that she shall have a medium good horse out of my effects.
Given under my hand this 7th day of September A.D. 1873
J. R. Reeves
Witnesses, Interlined before signed,
C. A. Ross
John Black
State of Kentucky §
McCracken County §
At a County Court held for the County aforesaid at the Court house in the City of Paducah on the 12th day of January 1874 the foregoing Last Will and Testament of Jas. R. Reeves deceased was produced in Court and proven by the Oaths of C. A. Ross and John Black the Two Subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded which Together with this Certificate is done accordingly.
Witness my hand this 16th day of February 1874.
J. Spence Clerk
By A. H. Spence D.C.