1885 Will - Mary Reeves

1885 Will - Mary Reeves

1885 Will - Mary Reeves


Dated: 6 Apr 1885, New York, New York County, New York
Probated: New York County Surrogate's Court, 16 May 1885
Recorded: New York Will Book 348, p23


I Mary Reeves of the City County and State of New York being of sound mind and memory do make publish and declare this as and for my Last Will and Testament and
First I give and bequeath unto my daughter Catherine M. E. Travis the Red Sateen furniture at present in the parlor of my residence No 249 West 12th St in the City of New York.
I also give to my said daughter Catherine M. E. Travis the eight Hair cloth chairs in my room at No 249 West 12th St. Also the bestead and bedding and the burean in my room together with the mahogany rocking chair in the same place.
I further give unto my said daughter Catherine M. E. Travis the portrait of herself at present hanging in the parlor of my residence at No 249 West 12th St. Also the photography of herself and her children and all pictures she has worked herself. I furthermore give to her the Marble topped Mahogany table in my residence No. 249 West 12th St. the said table being at present in the parlor thereof.
Second, I give and bequeath unto my grandson James R. Strong my black walnut writing desk.
Third, I give and bequeath unto my grandson Charles E. Strong 3rd my gold watch the same to be given to him to wear when he arrives at the age of twenty one years.
Fourth, I give unto my faithful servant Margaret Helsinger the sum of fifty dollars.
Fifth, I give unto my grand-daughter Nellie E. Pond the daughter of Catherine M. E. Travis, the sum of fifty dollars.
Sixth, All the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate of whatsoever kind and nature I give unto my daughter Sarah Strong, wife of Charles E. Strong for her use and behoof forever.
And I nominate and appoint my son Charles E. Strong, of the City of New York, as sole executor of this my Last Will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 6th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty five.
Mary (her x mark) Reeves (LS)

The said testatrix Mary Reeves above named subscribed the foregoing instrument in our presence and at the same time the said testatrix published and declared to us the said instrument so subscribed by her to be her last Will and Testament and thereupon we at the request of the said Testatrix and in her presence and in the presence of each other signed our names hereunto as witnesses to said will.
James Clarkson 82 Eight Ave
Geo G. Milne 72 Horatis St.


Mary was the widow of James Reeves.


FamilySearch - New York Will Book 348, p23